Chapter 61 There is a Prop Called Decision_1

"That's right, that guy is simply inhuman."

"A single Spear of Judgment made Changlin lose hundreds of thousands in revenue."

"Not hundreds of thousands, Changlin wouldn't get that much."

"I don't care, it's whatever that bastard came up with that can screw you over to what extent."

"Damn his mother, that Spear of Judgment is way too powerful!"

"Hey, Brother Forgotten, you're not also planning to use the Spear of Judgment against the anchors under the Feixue Legion, are you?"

"That could work, but it would be quite a cash burn!"

Everyone was discussing animatedly, repeatedly mentioning 'to what extent it can screw you over', naturally bringing up the Spear of Judgment, that ultimate weapon.

Only the Marshal could use this item, and in just over two minutes, it had cost Li Changlin hundreds of thousands in wealth value, truly a nightmare for the streamers.