Chapter 71 Critical Situation_1

Thanks again to my "Orange" brother for the huge support, and congratulations on becoming the hall master!

Although Peng Liangpeng was a bodyguard, he had his own bottom line. He was very skillful, but he would never lay a hand on women casually.

So even though he was shouting loudly all the time, Peng Liangpeng just wouldn't really get within two meters of Lin Ruonan.

"Peng Zai, what are you doing? Break Li Changlin's legs first!" Seeing Peng Liangpeng held up by a woman, Jiang Xingwei felt both amused and frustrated, and couldn't help but shout coldly.

A chill went through Peng Liangpeng's heart instantly. The Jiang Family was his bread and butter. Now that Jiang Xingwei had spoken, there was no way he could hesitate any longer.

Right away, Peng Liangpeng reached out, planning to push Lin Ruonan to the side.

In his view, Lin Ruonan was just a frail woman and there was nothing he should worry about.