Chapter 89: Are All the Hosts of the Feixue Legion Such Idiots_1

Thanks to my "Longchuan" bro for your continued support, and a big shout out to all the brothers for your powerful backing!

"Su Yan's wealth value is 800,000. If we catch her off guard, it should just take a bit over a minute to deal with her," said Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing calmly after returning to Li Changlin's livestream room, as everyone began discussing eagerly.

"Brothers, are the bombs ready? We absolutely can't afford to drop the ball now!" ˇ, Yaobu Keji also shouted loudly.

Previously, in the livestream room of Obsession, Love, although they did achieve a certain victory, everyone's mood had been quite oppressive.

There was no helping it. Facing one Marquis was manageable, but up against two Marquises, they lacked the means to compete.

Especially since Decision, their ace in the hole, had been completely suppressed by the opposition. Continuing the onslaught would have clearly been unwise.