Chapter 91 Tug-of-war_1

Su Yan's live streaming room was really bustling.

Meanwhile, in the police station's mediation room, Jiang Xingwei thought he had Li Changlin and Lin Ruonan completely figured out.

The corners of his mouth curved up slightly, and his face unabashedly revealed a mocking cold smile.

Facing this situation, both Li Changlin and Gao Yuanming were extremely annoyed.

However, they were now in a weaker position and certainly had no right to talk back.

"The price is too high," Li Changlin finally said with gravity after a long time.

"Compared to going to prison, what is a mere one million!" Jiang Xingwei snorted lightly and then chuckled, "Actually, there's another way, isn't there? As long as Miss Lin agrees to my earlier proposal, I can completely forego the compensation of one million units!"

"In your dreams!" Li Changlin certainly understood the implication of Jiang Xingwei's words, and his face immediately grew dark.