Chapter 98 Advantages and Disadvantages_1

"Haha, let's do this!"

"Brothers, don't drop the ball now!"

"Throw, throw together!"

"Watch my bomb!"

The non-paying ordinary players immediately cooperated by typing in the chat channel.

At this time, all the guardians also made their move.

Suddenly, a barrage of bombs bloomed and exploded incessantly in Princess Guai Guai's live broadcast hall.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud noises filled the entire live broadcast room; it's a pity so many people couldn't hear it!

So all anyone could see were the special effects—all the while, something about the explosions seemed off, and after a round of bombs was thrown, Princess Guai Guai hadn't sustained much damage.

"What's going on?" Mou Zhong Mou Jing Zhong Jing immediately noticed the situation.

She hurriedly called for a halt, and everyone stopped, no longer throwing more bombs.

"Not bad, you actually noticed something was wrong so quickly!" Suddenly, Melbourne Love's voice rang out.