Chapter 121 Everything for Protection_1

Thank you for supporting "Once Cried for Her," and thank you to my brothers for your strong support!

Actually, even if Zhao Enrong could really see or hear those people cursing her, she probably wouldn't pay any attention to them.

After all, the current situation is related to Zhao Enrong's future job position.

If Li Changlin were to be brought down by the Feixue Legion today, he would definitely be abandoned by the Wuxiang Legion in the future.

Consequently, my own managerial position would naturally be uncertain as well.

Therefore, in Zhao Enrong's heart, she is the person in the entire broadcast room who least wants to see Li Changlin lose.

As for Li Changlin, although he also really doesn't want to lose, faced with such a powerful Feixue Legion, how could he not lose!

Unless, unless there could be a miracle in this world.