Chapter 123 Picturing a Good Time_1

Thank you, Brother "Bun," for supporting, thank you, Brother Jin, for supporting, thank you, Brother "Loan Treasure Disbursement," for supporting again, and thanks to all the brothers for your strong support!

"Brothers of the Family of Changlin, this is a tough battle. This fight is of the utmost importance as it relates to the status of our Family of Changlin on the Endless live streaming platform in the future. Therefore, this isn't just a battle for Changlin and those of us who guard him; it's a battle for all the brothers of the Family of Changlin. Brothers, what are you hesitating for? Strike now, let's fight to protect Changlin's wealth value!" Xiaobudian Under the Grapevine spoke again, this time addressing all the brothers of the Family of Changlin.

"That's right, we mustn't admit defeat."

"The time to fight has come, brothers, draw your swords."