Chapter 154 Really Depressing _1

Li Changlin hastily retreated, wanting to escape from here.

He felt that he really had come to the wrong place; this was definitely not any sort of emergency department—absolutely, one hundred percent certain, this place was a psychiatric ward.

But escaping was far from easy.

At this moment, the female nurse's hands were still tightly clutching his arms.

As Li Changlin backed away, he immediately drew the female nurse's body along with him.

Suddenly, the female nurse fell to the ground, and her hands also loosened.

Watching this scene, Li Changlin hesitated, unsure whether he should help the female nurse up.

However, he was really worried; it was clear that the nurse had some issues, and who knew if she would cling to him once he helped her back up?

This was a gamble, and Li Changlin truly didn't dare to take it; he wasn't willing to gamble!

It was too difficult to decide, no, better to forget it, to leave and find the emergency department first!