Chapter 172 Let the Little Yellow Duck Fly (Happy Birthday to my Changlin Crown Prince!)_1

The top row had a total of five props, all worth 0.10 yuan each, Li Changlin shook his head and directly passed.

The second row, all worth 0.50 yuan, gave Li Changlin's eyes a slight sparkle, but after looking for a while, he chose to give up as well.

Whether it was lollipops, pig heads, pills, or bricks and lozenges, the maximum number one could give was only 888, not interesting!

The third and fourth rows were all gifts worth 1 yuan each.

These props were more numerous, adding up to about ten kinds; the juice Li Changlin had previously given to Dandan was one of these props.

The juice could also only be sent up to a thousand, and since he had already sent it several times before, sending it again wouldn't shock anyone.

Slowly looking through them, things like 'Add Oil,' applause, or even 666, all had an 888 limit, not wanted, passed.

The first one in the fourth row was a little yellow duck, which looked quite cute.