192 Chapter Dandan Co-Streaming_1

Thank you, "Fatty" brothers for coming, thank you Qidian "Summer Rouge" brothers for the support, thanks to all the brothers for your support!

"Alright, I have no problems on my end, you can go ahead and do it." Li Changlin did appreciate "Youthful as Poetry"'s attitude.

Seeing that "Youthful as Poetry" did not covet the copyright to the song made Li Changlin very comforted, feeling that he had not helped the wrong person.

"'Youthful as Poetry' has purchased a Silver Necklace for Li Changlin, becoming Li Changlin's loyal Silver Guardian." Just then, a line of pink text suddenly appeared in the center of the live streaming hall screen, indicating that "Youthful as Poetry" had activated Silver Guardian for Li Changlin.

"Thank you, thank you, Sister 'Youthful as Poetry,'" Li Changlin was also a bit surprised, he hadn't expected "Youthful as Poetry" to be so generous.

Although, becoming a Silver Guardian required only a thousand yuan.