Chapter 205: The Annoying New Task_1

Thank you, Mr. Gu, for coming to my support, thank you, Young, for coming to my support, thank you, brothers, for your support!

No sooner had Li Changlin heard it was a new task than he blurted out without a second thought, "Accept, accept, I absolutely have to accept it!"

There's no need to hesitate; after all, the System wouldn't harm me.

Besides, taking on a task meant a chance at a special lottery draw.

Li Changlin had exceeded the task requirements yesterday and won amazing items, so he was naturally filled with anticipation for the tasks dispatched by the System.

"Alright, task is being accepted, acceptance complete. Host must finish the task within three days or will be punished by a reduction of 500,000 Popularity Points, deduction of 200 Points, and 300 experience points," Ling'er's voice quickly followed, giving Li Changlin quite a scare.