Chapter 217 Can You Make a Jiedai Bao Loan or Not_1

Thanks to "We Agreed Not to Leave" brothers for your support. Congratulations to "We Agreed Not to Leave" brother on becoming a disciple. Thanks to "Fatty" brother for your support. Congratulations to "Fatty" brother on becoming a disciple. Thanks to "I Am a Migrant Worker." brother for your support. Thanks to "Long Stay in the Deep Sea" brother for your support. Thanks to all the brothers for your support!

The scene in the live streaming room was truly magnificent.

The audience in the room also slowly became lively.

"Hehe, those people Old Gong brought are really nothing special!"

"Yeah, it looks like these two guys were pulled in at the last minute, they probably aren't much!"

"Then let's step it up a bit, and when they run out of money in their accounts, we'll give them a nasty beating!"

In their discussion group, they were also plotting their strategy.

If Li Changlin and his four companions heard their talk, they would surely laugh their heads off.