Chapter 222: No Such Certificate Found_1

Thanks to "Loyal Heart King" brother for supporting the show, and thanks to brother for the support!

Thereupon, Melbourne Love quickly clicked on the customer service's chat number.

Sending some screenshots he had taken directly to customer service's number, Melbourne Love said, "Customer service, this is a screenshot of a newbie player spending gifts. Could you take a look? I want to report him; he used illegal auxiliary software."

"Okay, I will immediately send the screenshot to the technical department for verification," replied the customer service. The screenshots taken by Melbourne Love were very clear, revealing the pink text at the center of Ya'er's live streaming room screen, indicating that Starry had sent her 1888 bottles of perfume.

With each bottle of perfume priced at fifty, 1888 bottles amounted to a value of 100,000 yuan.

In the eyes of customer service, no account on the Endless live streaming platform had ever sent so many gifts at once.