Chapter 289 Brother Grape Calls Zhao Pu_1

So Zhou Xingxing was feeling pretty down, but Li Changlin knew how to lighten the mood. He started by sharing with two beauties the kind of words one might say to confess their feelings, thinking it would surely pique their interest. However, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ruonan coldly snorted, "Shameless!"

"Shameless?" Upon hearing this, Li Changlin truly couldn't stay calm.

He thought to himself and suddenly remembered that Lin Ruonan certainly knew about this!

Moreover, it was likely that Lin Ruonan had actually watched his livestream. Reflecting on it, it did seem shameless indeed, the way he'd deliberately triumphed over the "How Capable Are You" gang, only to then request those three to confess to him.

But then again, the idea for this debacle came from Brother Grape!

Speaking of which, Ruonan, what do you mean by this? Your accusation of shamelessness seems loaded. You're not targeting me, are you?