Chapter 590 Resurrection_1

Sophia gave you a strange look, and then she repositioned the chip while taking the long backpack from the biochemical man's hands.

Soon, the biochemical man opened his eyes, his pupils constantly changing until they became identical to Du Xishan's.

With long strides, the biochemical man walked up to Du Xishan, bowed deeply, and said, "Master."

This action of the biochemical man left Du Xishan quite at a loss, prompting him to turn his head and seek your inquiring gaze.

"Lao Du, except for the inability to reproduce, this biochemical man is no different from an ordinary woman in every other function. Moreover, she's even more obedient than humans. Whatever you tell her to do, she'll do it, and her combat strength is also formidable. She can grace your drawing room as well as your kitchen. Are you sure you want Sister Hong Xiu to possess her, rather than using her for yourself?"

"He wouldn't dare!"

At your words, Hong Xiu couldn't help but blurt out a phrase.