Article 75: Searching for the Benefactor

Wang Yu stepped out of the villa and leaned against his car to light a cigarette, his eyes staring straight ahead, but the image of Liu Jiayi lying on the sofa surfaced in his mind, and he inadvertently began to daydream, a slight bad smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

It is said that man's nature is inherently drawn to pleasure and appetites, and Wang Yu was a man, moreover, a virgin. That he hadn't made a move on Liu Jiayi under those circumstances was commendable enough, now letting his thoughts wander seemed hardly reprehensible.

Lost in his reverie, the villa door opened, and the three women emerged, each as stunning as the next.

Wang Yu quickly hid the smirk at the corner of his mouth and focused his gaze on the three beauties, appraising them from head to toe, and couldn't help but feel a bit sentimental.