Article 299: Could it be him?

Wang Yu raised an eyebrow and took a serious look at Zhang Dayi. With a square face, thick eyebrows, large eyes, and a broad nose, there was confidence in his eyes. Based on his appearance alone, he didn't seem like a rat.

"Manager Zhang, are you certain that all the materials you purchased were up to standard?" Wang Yu asked icily as he stared into his eyes.

Zhang Dayi nodded vigorously, asserting confidently, "Vice President, I can guarantee with my integrity that the products I have purchased are indeed up to standard. I've been working at Yuntian Real Estate for five years, and I've never done anything dishonest, nor have I taken even a penny in kickbacks during procurement. You can ask anyone about that. I've always believed that even if you can deceive people, you can't deceive the gods."

From just these few short sentences, Wang Yu took a liking to Zhang Dayi and believed his words to be true, not only because of intuition but also due to Zhang Dayi's attitude.