

As soon as the little van appeared on the horizon, everybody got up and started heading down the road side. After a fierce fight, Saïd acquired his place on the first row and can peacefully watch the van approach.

Hopeful eyes were on the little van, waiting and imagining: the number of people, how they look and how much money they have.

It finally stopped.

The crowd retracted bit by bit while the van kept getting bigger and bigger before those tiny eyes, and the door opened like a temple gate leading to the unknown.

Until that moment, only darkness can be perceived from the outside. Inside, aged and badly bronzed legs can be seen agitating.

Those disgusting body parts started emerging, and the little crowd continued to collapse on itself looking smaller and hopefully attract some mercy out of those monstrosities.

All the efforts didn't make the scenery better….

To those body parts was attached the biggest monstrosity of all: their faces!

But soon the kids will be relieved of this scary theater.

In a blink of an eye, all The creatures were aligned in front of the young crowd, and Each kid meticulously analyzed their faces:

Bruises….. small shelves of blond hair glued to decaying skins..., the kids were doing an overwhelming job to catch any sign of sympathy.

All those white tourists were looking down with a degrading look as if they were waiting for some worship offering.

Saïd on the other hand was completely off. This time, it was the last nail on his dream's coffin.

He waited so long for the young blond lady he'd seen online . Now, Saïd understood that those expired pieces of meat are all he's getting.

A mass of anxiety formed inside his gut while he kept showing a smile and offering flowers…..

The blond lady he has seen online!.....

Saïd hated each day of this burden, but kept returning, resisting the darker paths his peers took, in hope the blond woman would appear someday and take him to his dream land.

Today, Saïd knew his only reason to come back here will be money, and also knew his manners will worsen like all the others.

His movements slowed down, he was caring less and less about the tourists, and everybody now is pushing him around to get in front while he has ceased to resist.

With each push, the mass of anxiety formed inside was agitating and hurting more. Saïd was being drowned bit by bit inside his thoughts:

What now? Does this even matter? I'll live the rest of my life for this little money?….

While drowning, Saïd remembered his drunk uncle gibberish on the dining table; gibberish he couldn't understand and his mother didn't seem to care about. The Only phrase that kept ringing inside his little head was:

..... All those ladies are stuck inside a factory unable to live, or think, or even have some time for themselves, all we're going to see is there liberal corporate overlords who are allowed to live and travel…

But all that didn't matter now: his uncle was chased out of the house, Saïd will probably not see the blond lady, and he still needs to bring money to the house each sunset.