Ch. 1: The Beginning



Thunderous sounds echoed throughout a dark space...

In the dark space, a man and a glowing creature stood in the dark space, next to a bright light..

They talked about things that only they can hear.

"It started..You have to go now." Said the creature, slightly smiling.

" Yeah. Hehe. I can't believe I'm going to do this again..." The man smiled warmly and walked closer towards the bright light.

" I'll see you later.." The man walked into the bright light and disappeared with the light.


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1. Junghwa




[ You have chosen Storyline 1: Junghwa!]

[ Processing...Processing...]


[Part 1 Available!]


[You have chosen Storyline 1: Junghwa, Part 1!]



[Story beginning...]




Ring! Ring! Ring!...Ring! Ring! Ring!

The alarm rang throughout the room for a few minutes before it was stopped with the click of a button.

Ring! Ring! Ri-!

Junghwa clicks the button on the alarm, then proceeds to cover himself back up and goes back to sleep.

But after a few seconds, a second wave of the alarm rang again, filling the peaceful quiet with an irritating sound.


The ring sounded louder and even more bothersome.

"Ughhh!" Junghwa let out a loud groan. Tired, he once again clicked on the button to stop the alarm.

"What the hell?!~ I don't remember setting an alarm!" He rubbed his eyes, waking up in the process. Slowly waking up and looking around his room.

He then looked at his phone that was laying on his nightstand. Next to it was a big bookshelf, it was tall and full of books.

He stands up and glides his finger across the books, which are now dusty.

"...It's been a while since I last cleaned you guys up. Let's see~ the time is 5:00am. I think I got some time."

Junghwa walked over to the study desk that's facing the bookshelf and opened one of the drawers connected to it.

He shuffled through the random objects that he had in the drawer like small knives, strings, tape, flashlights and many more.

"Jeez~ Why did I buy so many random things? Is this...a dagger?!"

He takes out a dagger. A sharp and hard crimson blade, a real weapon. "I don't remember buying a da-." he paused as he remembered something.

"Wait- No, I remember... Why did I do that?"

Junghwa stares at the blade for a moment, marveling in it's beauty.


"I'm getting side-tracked!"

He carefully moved the objects until he found what he was looking for. From the drawer, he took out a bagged up duster and unwrapped it.

He cleaned the dusty bookshelf quickly and carefully. After finishing, he grabbed his phone and looked through a website for novels, he clicked on one. "The next chapter is up..."


"Just as always!"

A car suddenly turned on outside.

Vroom! Vroooom!

He was momentarily startled by the sound of a car starting and driving off. "There goes dad..."


He looks back his phone and clicks on the new chapter he saw that came out.


With a surprised expression, " This is only half of the chapter?! The other half's gonna get upload in...4 HOURS?!" His face turned from joyful to annoyed.

" this is some bullcrap... should I read the whole chapter when the other half comes out?" He looks at the screen of his phone then at his reflection in the mirror.

Anxious, he again looks at the screen, then back at the mirror multiple times.

"Ahh~ what the hell! I'll read it right now!'ll just give me more to look forward to for the next half..."

Junghwa reads while showering, sticking his arm outside so his phone doesn't get wet.

Only putting it down when he uses both his hands, but still reads closely. He got dressed while reading it, then went downstairs to the kitchen and read the chapter while waiting for the toast be ready.

"They did it...finally..." he says while warmly smiling.


Junghwa packed his school bag and walked out the door with the toast in his mouth. He looked back at a large picture of a woman on the wall before closing the door.




Many students walked down the narrow street towards the same school.

Junghwa quietly finished reading half of the chapter, but heard other students talking about an event that happened the previous week.

"Hey, did you feel that earthquake last week?" A boy asked his friend.


Thought Junghwa as he eavesdrops.

" No, I was out on the countryside that week. What happened?" Said his friend with curiosity.

"It was wild! My whole street shook! I think the whole city shook! My drawers, and shelves fell over, and my books fell out of the bookcase!" Said the boy while making hand gestures describing the books falling out and his expirience.

Was it that big? I felt the house shake a bit, but none of our shelves fell over...

Junghwa walks slower, but not too slow in order to listen more.

" Really? There's no way it was that big~ You would've craped your pants~" his friend exclaimed while laughing.

Annoyed, the boy angrily yelled, "It was that big!"

"So you did crap your pants?!" His friend asked while making a dramaticly shocked expression.

" You son of a-!" The boy tried to grab his friend, but he dodges and begins running ahead of him.

The boys ran past Junghwa.

And there they go... I don't think they'll keep talking about it more after that-


Distracted by watching the two boys run ahead of him, Junghwa failed to notice a blonde man walking in front him, who was walking in the opposite direction. As a result, they bumped into each other.

" Ah! I'm so sorry, sir! Let me help you up!" Junghwa helps the man up, but after doing so, he noticed the man's complicated expression.

" Sir. Are you alright?" Junghwa asked concerned.

The man said nothing. He stared at Junghwa for a few seconds.


The man flinched as if he was just waking up, then quickly responded in a calm tone, " I'm alright young man, sorry for bothering you."

Before Junghwa could say anything else, the man quickly walked in the same direction he was originally heading to.

"Hey, wai-!" Junghwa froze.

Wait. Why am I trying to follow this man?

Junghwa looks in the direction where all the students are walking towards. Then, he looked back at the opposite direction, where the man had already disappeared to.

He hesitated, " I don't know that man, but I feel strangely worried about him. ...School is going to start soon..."

Junghwa stands still and looks down, thinking about what he should chose. "...."

" I'm going to school..." Junghwa turned and walked with all the students.




Junghwa arrived at the school entrance, he looks around as if looking for someone. Then suddenly...


"Goood morning Junghwa! What are you standing around here for?! HAHAHA!" The energetic Minjoo runs ahead of him after smacking his head.

Junghwa rubs his head in annoyance.

(There she goes again...)

"There she goes again! She's quite energetic this morning! She even made me carry her bag. Hehe.." says Jinsung playfully while carrying Minjoo's school bag. Although he sounds unbothered, he looks tired. "How do you manage to keep up with her, Senior Junghwa?"

"I'm not sure~ She doesn't really tire me out though~" he responds while taking Minjoo's bag.

(Wait a minute... why does this feel so heavy?) Junghwa opens her bag and finds a 10 pound dumbbell inside. Surprised, he pulls it out to show Jinsung.

* What the hell?! Who bring brings a 10 pound dum-!" Before he could finish, Jinsung covers his mouth as a teacher walks by them. The teacher stares at them

" Um... Good morning, Mr. Park!" Junghwa smiles nervously.

Mr. Park scoffs, then decides to ignore them, he continues walking.


"Thank you, Junior. I didn't even see him! That would've been detention if he heard me." Junghwa hugs Jinsung dramatically. Jinsung chuckles nervously.

(All that matters is that Senior is detention-free)

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

The school bell rang and it signaled the students that it was time to go to class.




Junghwa sat in the back of the classroom with Jinsung and Minjoo, he looked out the window, then at his teacher who was giving a lecture.

He secretly took out his phone and reloaded the screen, Jinsung noticed this and decided to keep a look out so that the teacher doesn't see him.

(When is the second part of the final chapter coming out? It's already been 2 hours since the first part came out.)

While pondering, he realized what he had just thought, "The Final Chapter."

(It's really the final chapter of the series I've been reading... I can't believe it. Time sure flies by...)

Kim Junghwa thinks about the single and unusual fact that has been reading this light novel for the past 8 years. (It is really weird that I like this book so much... But it doesn't really matter. Reading this is so exciting!! All the fights and deep meanings! So good!)


Junghwa leaned back and smiled while reminiscing about the story he's read throughout the years.

Junghwa notices his classmate and recently new friend, Park Shin-hui. Sne waved at him while smiling and he waved back with a slight smile.

(That's Shin Hui... One of the most popular girls in school, and she's friends with me by her own will...)

Minjoo notices their interaction and gets slightly annoyed but stays quiet.

Junghwa puts his phone into his pocket while leaning back and looking at an empty desk in the next row beside Jinsung.

"Soonhyeok's been gone for a while now... Where did you say he went to Jinsung??"

" He told me he was leaving to visit his family in the countryside. Some kind of family reunion or something..." responded Jinsung while taking to notes.

"Family reunion? But doesn't he dislike his family? Why did he go back to meet with them??"

Junghwa and his friends knew that Soon-hyeok did not agree with his family's ideals. That's one of the reasons that he left his hometown in the first place.

(Why would he go back home? I'm pretty sure he told us his dad beat him up before he left and told him to never come back... It's weird...)


Junghwa gasped as he realized a possibility, he turns to Jinsung, "What if it has something to do with his-!"

"Junghwa! You better be listening to this lesson! It's important for the midterm!" Yelled his teacher, Ms. Park.

" Yes! I understand, Ma'am!"

"Really? Then tell me the answer to this equation. What does x equal?" She points at an equation on the board.

(Shit...) Junghwa looks at the equation carefully.

"Hmm... Uhh..."

Jinsung tries to discreetly show Junghwa his answer, but Junghwa covered his notes while still looking at the board, gently rejecting his help.

(Sorry Jinsung, I gotta figure this one out myself... Now then, there's twenty... fifty... two.... Come on, think!! What is the answer?! What equation do I use?!) Junghwa thought long and hard. He squints his eyes, thinking that will help... It didn't....

"Uhh..." Junghwa's mind was blank. No matter how long he looked at the equation, he couldn't think of any possible answer.

"X equals ten." Says Shinhui confidently.


(Safe!~ I was saved!~) Thought Junghwa as he quietly cheered inwardly...

"Correct, Shinhui!" said Ms. Park happily.

She then turns to Junghwa with a disappointed expression, "Do better next time, Junghwa." Said Ms. Park.

(Yes ma'am!) said Junghwa inwardly.

Seeing his silence, she shook her head in disapproval, then continued with the lesson.

Shinhui turned to Junghwa and smiled while slightly waving. She turned around, facing forward.

(Thank goodness she's humble! But... Why did she do that?) Thought Junghwa curiously.

Junghwa and Minjoo looked at her suspiciously. Jinsung whispers, also looking at her.

"I think she likes you, Senior.."

(She likes me? No way!)

Junghwa looks at Shinhui's direction, curious and slightly blushing. Minjoo suddenly grabs and pulls Jinsung's hair. She whispers loudly, "What?! Are you crazy?!"

Jinsung, in pain, whispered loudly too, "Hey, don't pull my hair!"

"There's no way she likes him! He's not hot enough!" Whispered Minjoo loudly.

Her words struck Junghwa's pride. He turned around and also whispered loudly, "What do you mean I'm not hot?! I'm hot!"

Jinsung and Minjoo both look at him seriously, then speak firmly, "That's pretty narcissistic, don't you think?"

Their words anger Junghwa further, he whispers loudly, "Shut up! You're no better than I am-!"

Ms. Park, now irritated, speaks up, "Junghwa! If I have to call you out one more time, then you will receive detention for two days!"

Jinsung and Minjoo's messy hair suddenly return to their normal state and they both pretend like nothing happened.

(These disloyal pieces of sh-)

* Do I make myself clear, Junghwa?" said Ms. Park.

"Yes! I understand, ma'am!"

Ms. Park continues teaching and Junghwa slowly turns around to continue talking to his "friends".

"So about Soonhyeok, do you think something happened to his-"


Ms. Park clasped her hands together, "Well kids, it's P.E. time~ I'll see you in an hour!"

Students began putting their things together and stood up, then they began walking out of the classroom. Jinsung and Minjoo walked out before Junghwa did.

"Wait." Ms. Park puts her arm in front of Junghwa and stops him, causing Jinsung and Minjoo to stop too.

(Oh shit...) Junghwa slowly steps back into the classroom.

"You two go ahead. I'm gonna have a short chat with Junghwa here." Jinsung and Minjoo look at each other, hesitant to leave. Junghwa gestures for them to leave.

After they leave, Ms. Park sits on a desk and sighs deeply. "Listen Junghwa, you've got decent grades, but you're going to need better grades if you're gonna go to college with your friends..." She crosses her legs.

"They have really good grades and are going to really good colleges. And I'd hate for them to miss their best friend, Junghwa..." She gently taps a stack of papers on his head, smiling warmly.

You get what I mean, right?"

(Even though she's only 5 years older than me, she really cares about me...) Junghwa smiles, understanding her words

Yes, I understand Ms. Park....

Ms. Park smiled as she understood that he understood.

He's a good kid.

Junghwa exits the class with her permission and headed to the gym. Ms. Park watched him walk down the hallway, the sun shining on his face.

But her chest tightens and she feels slightly nauseous.

He is a good kid... But why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about something?

She watches him arrive at the stairwell, then walk down them.

"I think I ate something bad at lunch..."




Junghwa entered the gymnasium as some students played basketball and others sat around in small groups. Some talked to each other and others watched the game playing out in front of them.

Minjoo sat with Jinsung on the other side of the gym from where he was standing, they watched the game while talking, she noticed Junghwa enter the gymnasium and stood up.

"Junghwa!" she ran through the court, dodging the players who were passing each other the ball.

"Hey, be careful!" Junghwa slightly panicked, worried that she'll get hurt.

But Minjoo continued to run around players who were running into her trying to catch the ball. She ducked, swerved around players and continued dodging.

A coach made a 'perfect' hand gesture, the players all nodded, understanding that it was time to execute a play, then a player yelled at Minjoo, " Hey! Get off the court!"

She stepped back as players prepared to execute a play to score.

A player passed a ball towards another player from across the court, the ball soared through the air.

Everyone watched as Minjoo grabbed the ball mid-air, rays of sunshine brightened her face as she majestically dunked it.


Minjoo landed after scoring, then ran towards Junghwa.

Silence filled the gymnasium as everyone stared at Minjoo, amazed stares, shocked stares, annoyed stares, all staring at Minjoo.

Minjoo turned around, curious as to why everyone was silent. "What?" she asked nonchalantly.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The sounds of Shin-Hui clapping broke the silence, she smiled, "Whoo! That was a great shot Minjoo!" she yelled, some of her friends clapped with her.

The players and coaches sighed deeply, disappointed by the outcome of the game...

"Break time! We're gonna restart after 10 minutes!" Yelled the coach. Players walked towards the benches, some drank water or energy drinks while others talked about the game.

Three players angrily walked up to Junghwa and Minjoo at the same time that Jinsung arrived next to them.

"Hey! What were you thinking by running across the court?! You ruined our game!"

"...." Minjoo stared at them, annoyed...

[To be continued...]