Finally...I see you

Friday: one o'clock ... 




*smashing sound* 

"...Why is this Friday not a day off?" Alexa wondered inwardly with a blank look and a dry smile 

She leaned down at the corner of a wall between some cabinets to sit on the floor, hiding from the animatronics, who began chasing her in a strange and crazy way this time, to the point that forced her to flee the office

She put Freddy's mask, flashlight, and spare bag aside. She held her heart as a drop of sweat ran down her cheek and her breathing was a little heavy.She thought "I'm... kinda tired..." 

"Hey there!" Sha Bonnie's voice suddenly appeared above her 

Alexa looked at him with confused and tired eyes. And look of surprise appeared on Sha Bonnie

He went down to pat her gently on the head. He said "You don't look well, my dear" 

"Dear?" Alexa tilted her head in surprise with a small laugh "I'm just tired" she said "And the guys seem a little excited tonight" 

Sha Bonnie "Umm yes, you're right... hmm oh! I can hide you in a safe place until the morning comes! " 

Alexa "Oh thank you. That would be really nice of you, but I still can't now. They are too numerous and will find me wherever I am" She waved lightly

"B.. but!... I don't want them to hurt you!" Sha Bonnie grumbled sadly 

Alexa smiled and said "Oooh~ now look at this cutie~ Come here" She giggled lightly when she saw Sha Bonnie approaching closer, holding his head and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek

Alexa "Thank you" she said with the same smile, patting him on the head.and if Sha Bonnie color was not very dark, Alexa was could see little red on his cheeks

Sha Bonnie "Freddy and I will try to distract the rest from you!" He said firmly and flew away from the place 

Alexa just sighed. Suddenly something came to her mind and she thought"Foxy will definitely take revenge on me for blinding him earlier with the flashlight" She almost burst out laughing as she remembered what happened earlier

She held her mouth to stifle her laughter and then said "yaah... I hope my luck doesn't get so bad that even Foxy is the first person to catch me.I mean, death isn't bad, but I don't want a really very very painful death ,so yeah...meeting him will be a problem" She smiled dryly while biting the tip of her finger

Alexa "This is really going to be a problem" 


"'m the stupid one for still trusting my luck" Alexa thought with tired empty eyes as her upper body was tied with ropes by Foxy

Alexa "Oh, you forgot the left hand" 

Foxy " I'll tie the rope around it tightly now...Hey wait! The hostage is forbidden from speaking!!!" he growled slightly angrily

"Is that your revenge because i impaling you eyes with a flashlight?" she asked, tilting her head, her face slightly pale from fatigue and the intense pressure on her body from the ropes

Foxy "Aww you'll get your punishment for that too" he said with a frown and a blank look as he pulled the rope tight 

Alexa "niih Foxy..." 

"I told you the hostage dont s...!!!" 

"Sorry!" Alexa interrupted with a laugh and gave him a quick kiss 

Foxy froze in shock with a gasp and a wide jaw 

Alexa quickly took advantage of the opportunity to escape from him, thinking "Oh Foxy, you should have tied my legs quickly earlier" She wiped her mouth with another laugh when she remembered his face

And Foxy...still stuck in his place with a loading sign above his head and ten Error signs 

Foxy "...




Hmm yes, it looks like he won't come to his senses anytime soon👌 


Puppet "Stand up straight!!!" 

"yes!!! " Everyone stands still with obvious tension 

"After hour and half and it will be six o'clock! Do you know what that means??!" She asked in the tone of a military leader 

T-Bonnie "Salvation?!" he asked with a bright smile 

Chica/T Chica "Pizza??!" she both asked with shining eyes 

"Death?" Bonnie asked in a begging tone 

Two Freddy's and one Mangle gave the rest a wtf look 

Puppet sighed in annoyance, then said"No, you idiots! This means we are about to fail! How have you not caught the shit night guard yet???! Is there even a little progress???" 

T-Freddy"No, there is a decline in reality" he says very nervously, scratching the back of his head 


Freddy "... Ah... there..." he gestures strangely towards Foxy, who still has the signs of the error and loading above his head with a completely frozen expression

Puppet went to Foxy and gave him a hard slap to bring him to his senses 

Foxy suddenly woke up with a gasp and screamed "Shit!!" 

"Come on, Foxy, tell us what happened to you that led you to this situation! Is it something we should be careful of??"She asked worriedly and seriously

Foxy "...  ah..." Foxy remembered the last thing he had experienced 

Foxy "... 

He suddenly turned completely red with smoke coming out of his head. He shouted"None of your business!" and ran out of the place in a kawaii school girl style, leaving the others with Wtf look

Puppet "... 

She turned to the balloon kids with a slightly hope look 

JJ"Don't count on us!" 

BB"We are spies!!!" 

They both fled the place 

Sha Bonnie and Sha Freddy exchanged nervous glances and disappeared from the place as well 

Puppet eyes twitched, and it did not take long until a loud, terrifying, insane scream echoed from her 

After a few minutes of calming down from the unlicensed psychiatrist, Mangle... 

Puppet sighed in relief and then went back to scolding the rest... 


He sighs and goes somewhere 

After a few more minutes... 

Freddy returned, bringing with him Alexa, who was completely tied with ropes and her mouth was covered 

"Done. It wasn't that hard" he says with a shrug as he hands the rope to Puppet 

Alexa looked at everyone with only happy shining eyes 

Puppet just looked at Alexa calmly .she soon started dragging Alexa with her 

The rest of them were just looking nervously and following Puppet closely, trying to ignore the girl who was emitting all that sparkle from her eyes while looking at them all, even though she was tied from her shoulders to her toes


"Mmff.." Alexa grumbled in slight pain as she was thrown to the floor in a dark and cold room 

She was bound with more ropes, with a cloth covering her mouth and the other covering her eyes

Freddy gestured to the rest and said"Golden will be here soon. Let's not disturb him and go" 

The rest nodded and walked out of this room, leaving the completely tied up Alexa behind 





Now a quick question. How would an ordinary person react when he/she heard that a possessed, vengeful, murderous robot was about to come to him/her? Afraid? Trembling? cries? Is he/she trying to escape in any way?... Hmm... well.. but our girl is not an ordinary person ahahaha

Alexa's thinking "Golden...? Golden????!?!! Golden means Golden Freddy??! That Golden means Goldie?? Goldie???!!! Goldie is coming to kill me???!" She gasped sharply as her eyes widened behind the cloth

Alexa "...  

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!" She mentally screamed happily and excitedly with her heart beating like Dokie Dokie and her cheeks flushed with intense, immense joy

She swallowed, thinking "Is it him?" 

The sound of footsteps became closer and closer until it disappeared completely. No sound was heard in the room after that. and Alexa, who was already excited, was experiencing strange conflicting emotions


"W... Why?" 

"Why does this look... familiar?  "

"Where have I felt this strange feeling before??" 

"I...why do I feel pain and sadness in my heart now?" 

These thoughts resonated within her one after another and strangely, there was moisture gathering at the corners of her eyes for some reason 


A voice suddenly appeared. Soon she felt the ropes around her arms being loosene.. And... she felt something gently hold her hand... Was it a hand? Well..that was all. That touch brought back those memories for Alexa. Memories of that time... her happy memories with her mysterious friend... 

The rest of the ropes were untied from her body. She tried to get up and adjust her sitting position ,no one stopped her.. the piece of cloth covering her mouth was removed 

Alexa's hand slipped into the other's hand, holding it gently"A few years ago..." she said in a shaky voice. She continued "There was a person behind a wall..." She stopped talking because her staccato voice became strange, as if she was about to cry

There was a little silence in the room. Soon a voice echoed "Yes... and there were cute and wonderful girl who saved him from boredom and pain every day" 

Alexa squeezed his hand more tightly 

He gently placed his other hand on her cheek, causing her to shake for a moment, and her facial features changed to become stranger and stranger. The cloth over her eyes was quickly removed

Her green eyes met two black eyes with white pupils 

The one in front of her, Golden Freddy, gently caressed her cheek with his hand with a smile. He said "'s me..." 

After that, the only sound that echoed in that dark room was the sniffling sound of a girl who burst into tears after a very long period of concealment

Golden Freddy gently hugged her as a spontaneous gesture and continued to pat her back gently 

Alexa wrapped her arms around him and clung to him tightly as if he would disappear at any moment 

She continued to cry"Just.. If only you knew... it was painful... it was really painful..." she says intensely, her voice cracking, as she inhales from time to time

"...yes...and life was disgusting and tasteless without you..." Golden said to her in a strange tone as he gently caressed her cheek and wiped away her tears with his finger

Alexa smiled lightly at that as she sniffled and cried some more. She said "Thank you for still remembering me" 

A smile appeared on Goldin's face and he said"Rather, I am the one who should say thank you because you remember me and are not even afraid of me..." 

Alexa sniffed one last time and then quickly wiped away her remaining tears with her arm. She raised her head and smiled brightly with rosy cheeks that made her look cute as fuck. She exclaimed, "Hehe yes! It turns out that my mysterious friend is very beautiful!!" 

"You're still a naughty girl then" Golden laughed lightly, gently tugging on her ear, which made Alexa whine for a moment, but then she just laughed again 

Golden Freddy blushed lightly as he felt something fluttering inside him "She is truly an enchanting…" he thought with a smile. he said to her"Your smile is so beautiful, Alexa" 

"Mmm!.. You too!!..." she said with a bright smile 

"Ahim... uh.. I don't really think so..." 

Alexa looked to the side with a hmph for some reason

She let out a small laugh and lay down on the floor 

" Ok I'm ready now!!! Kill me!" She spread her arms wide and sparkles around her 

"... Huh?... What the.. Did you understand something wrong???! " 

"Life is experiences!!!" 



Saturday afternoon... 


Alexa just stared at the ceiling quietly as she lay on her bed. she thought "What happened... yesterday?" she wondered strangely

A lot of pain, strange events, and a lot of tears...that's all that came to her mind. Soon, a very beautiful smile appeared on her face, with a slight blush on her cheeks 

She got up from her bed and lowered herself to the ground, taking out a suitcase from underneath. She opened it and searched inside to finally find a specific notebook 

Alexa "yaah.. Long time no see" she said, giving her old diary a nostalgia look 

She went back to sitting on the bed and started turning the pages one by one until she reached the last thing she had written years ago 

While touching the drops of dried blood scattered on the page, Alexa sighed lightly. She remembered how much she had been beaten by her parents that day. Her feet automatically pulled her to that place, where she was comfortable and where she felt safe, but when she arrived there, she remembered that her 'mysterious friend' had gone

And on that page, words were written in a chaotic hand, as if the hand of the one who wrote them was shaking 

}{I feel.. lonely}{ 

}{Its.. painful}{  

}{It's been a.. while.. I.. miss..}{  

}{I want to.. die.. again}{

}{I want.. I want to see even one person.. from..}{  





It was a page filled with words full of pain, pleas, and sorrow. Many different words expressed the only good desire Alexa had left 

Maybe she really wanted to die but... she kept wishing to see two specific people again 

Alexa only laughed lightly, though a slight flash of sadness and disappointment appeared in her eyes. She shook her head, then turned to a new page and wrote something on it, which made her facial features change slightly to a sweet smile

She opened the suitcase again to return the note, trying not to focus on the metal box that took up half of the suitcase's space  

She put the bag back in its place and went back to lying on her worn bed with a sigh. She thought, "Oh, today is your day off, girl! Take advantage of it and get some sleep!!!" She internally screamed to herself

She quickly buried her head in the pillow and soon fell into a deep sleep 

And the world exploded and everyone died!!!

The end 


Ahim! ok bad joke ✨


*Vibration sound *

*ringing sound* 

" annoying..." Our black-haired girl complained as she rolled over on the soft carpet, holding her head, from the annoying ringing sound that resounded in her head and.. 

Alexa".. wait.. what!!?? "She got up with a wtf look and shouted "shit i dont have any rug!!!" 

She looked around curiously with confused eyes because she had just woken up 

Alexa "...heeell naaah...where am I??!!" A look of even greater WTF appeared on her face, to the point that even as she spoke WTF, she floated around her head from the unfamiliar sight of the room around her

Five seconds later... 

"Woooh hello, beautiful window! I haven't seen one like you up close for a long time!! Ooooh hello too, you beautiful, well-lit lamp! waaah hello, you sofa for the rich! Oooooh!!!" The silly girl continued to spin in the unknown room with stars shining in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks 

She suddenly froze and then slapped her cheek. She said"Let's stop being foolish and now let's see who is the pervert who kidnapped me this time!" 

She said it in a way that was as if this had already happened to her befor... and it had 

She left the room she was in. She walked quietly in the dark corridor, but suddenly... she heard the sound of crying. The sound of sniffling was clear and childish 

Alexa"I have nothing to do with it "She shook her head when she heard that sound of crying and turned to the other side 

After 0.001 seconds... 

Alexa "Tsk okay, let's see about that" She walked towards the sound until she finally arrived in front of a room door that was slightly open

She looked through the opening of the door and did not see much in front of her.. a closet and another door.. She opened the door quietly and entered

When she entered, She saw a boy bursting into tears as he buried his head between his knees while sitting on his bed, and for some reason, she felt her heart hurt a little from seeing that

Alexa hummed strangely, holding her chest towards her heart. She approached the child, not caring about anything else, and sat next to him without him noticing her 

She reached out her hand to gently pat his head. She said "Why are you crying, little one?" 

The child suddenly flinched at the unfamiliar touch and sound. He raised his head to see in front of him a beautiful girl with slightly pale skin, green eyes, and long black hair 

"..Angel..." he muttered with shining eyes 

Alexa only laughed lightly and then said "Okay okay, Mrs.Angel asks this beautiful child what is the reason for crying~?"

He sniffed with flushed cheeks. He reburied his head between his knees and said "There are scary monsters that keep appearing in my room... every day... it's terrifying... I'm afraid" The poor child quickly began to tremble

Alexa tilted her head with a question mark floating above her. She closed her eyes, thinking about how to deal with this now... even though it was none of her business, but who cares? 

She swallowed a little, then extended her arms to gently hug the child. She patted his head gently and said "It's okay. Everything will be fine" 

"truly?" The child raised his head and extended his arms to hug her as well and returned to crying 

Alexa just nods with a sigh

He smiled brightly. He extended the hug to Alexa with a sweet smile and said "Mmm.. Ms.Angel..." 


"Miss Angle hugs are warm and gentle! I feel safe with Miss Angle.. I love you! We will get married when I grow up okay??" He said the last sentence seriously 

Alexa choked for a moment.She quickly burst out laughing. She wiped a tear from under her eye and said"You're really cute, little one" She gently pinched his cheek with another laugh

The child gently puffed his cheeks. Before he could complain about something, he froze for a moment and quickly let out a cry of fear and tremblingly clung to Alexa tightly 

Alexa blinked strangely and quickly turned her head to see where he was looking. There she saw a familiar shape. A terrifying shape that she had only seen behind a screen before. Nightmare Chica was standing at the door

Alexa blinked once, then twice. She let out a breath, then turned around and said "I knew I had worked beyond my ability these days, but hallucinations are something..." She sighed deeply

She let out a small laugh.thought "Well, the dreams I'm getting these days are weird. Especially this one, it looks damn real!" 

Suddenly, she felt severe pain in her back

"Huh?" That's all she could say. She turned around again to see Nightmare Chica's claws stained with blood for some reason. She put her hand on her back to find that her hand was soaked in blood 

Alexa "..." 




"bloodyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiit !!!!!!!" 


"Hurry hurry hurry!!!!!" The child screamed in terror with waterfalls of tears 

Alexandra, who was running extremely fast, holding the child tightly, cried silently with a dry smile and a some nightmare animatronics following her around the house, which she couldn't get out of it for some reason

"...Sniff.... Mercy, you damned world!!! "  


Thank you for reading👍👍👍

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