killed,sync start{2}

The four of us came out of the office and headed to the training room as we were heading to it. Some servants stared at me with mixed looks, some hatred, some fear, some anger, and even some hate, I really don't know why.

While I was trying to think of a logical reason, suddenly I bumped into the back of a maid who was cleaning and some dust smeared the bottom of my pants" CAN'T YOU SEE ME WALKING HERE?DON'T YOU HAVE EYES? LOOKS LIKE YOU DON'T NEED THEM ANY MORE" I shouted in extreme anger

"I'm s-so s-s-sor-ry m-my l-lor-rd, m-may I as-sk for y-your fo-forgiv-vness" the maid said as she fell on ground on her butt and tears was falling on her cheeks like a river, her body was trembling also

"Sorry?forgiveness?"I sniffed at her "I'LL KILL YOU BITCH" I leaned on her like a hunter leans on his prey. I grabbed her neck with my left hand and pushed her towards the ground and sat on her. Then I grabbed the broom with my right hand and hit her with all my might. When I raised the broom to give her the final blow, the broom stopped moving and I found Alice holding it.

"Stop that big brother Aron this is not you"she said with sadness filling her eyes

"Tch Annoying "I muttered under my breath while standing I knew very well that Alice won't let me continue. Zade was giving me a strange look while Riel was smiling his arrogant smile. I simply ignored them and kept walking until we reached the training room, it was a spacious white room in its corner. There were shelves with a lot of weapons on it, Zade and I walked to the middle of the room while Riel and Alice stood a little far away.

"Ready?"Zade asked as a scary smile was painted on his face

"Of course "I said with complete confidence. My confidence was not in my strength or anything like that. My only source of confidence was Zade himself. I knew that he would not actually hit me. He was just trying to scare me so I would give up on my decision.

At that moment a strange massage appeared in front of me and a male voice was heard in my mind

[Synchronization started current progress rate 1%]

'What the heck is that'I thought inwardly But I didn't think much about it and ignored her and returned my gaze to Zade and I couldn't stop my smile from appearing, just thinking about the amount of things I will need to do after graduating from the academy and the things I will need to focus on and do in the academy such as making friends with many nobles. Others, modifying my behavior to suit the position of the heir, discipline in the classes, obtaining grades worthy of the heir in the practical and theoretical aspects, not embarrassing the house and a lot of nonsense similar to this, although the position of the heir has many advantages,but the disadvantages win out and also I saved a lot of money in the past years, so money is not a problem. Also, I am the son of one of the most powerful people on the continent. No one is foolish enough to make problems with me, and the children of the other four families will be concerned with maintaining their appearance and image, so problems are not a problem. I will go to the academy and I collect girls from the lower nobles to become my harem,I'll live the life of a king and Riel will face the heir problems

'AHAHAHAHAHAHA,I'm a genius'I thought but Finally I noticed that there was something strange, Zade was not in front of me!!

"Huh,...wher-"I couldn't even complete my question as I felt a terrible pain in my stomach and then I flew away more than thirty steps backwards until I hit the wall and I felt as if my intestines were coming out and my blood was flowing out of my mouth like water from a water tap and the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Alice running towards me with a worried look in her eyes



(After 3 months)

I opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw was a white roof 'huh!,I'm not dead?'I thought in my mind

[Yes you're not]

'OH,okay...but,Ryan that fucker!I will make him pay for what he did,by the way How the hell was he so fast?was he living in a gym for the past 15 years'

[That's impossible,His speed and strength easily exceeded the limit of the strength of a normal unawakened human]

'HMM...Wait what?who the fuck are you?go out of my mind!!'I shouted inwardly

[First I'm lucien, your system and the best system in the world.second I can't get out of your mind I was programmed like this]

'What kind of joke is that? and if it was not a joke then who programmed you in my mind,how and why?'

[This is not a joke you were killed in your previous life and my Master instead of letting your soul die he made me and he pushed your soul into Aron's body and started Synchronization by the way the current progress rate is 98%,now it make you feel some of his feelings,when it reach 99% you both will be able to talk in your mind and when it reach 100%you'll be able to see his memories, oh also he saw your memories]

'I really don't know what to say,firstly why did he saw my memories and I now, secondly why did your master do all of that?'

[Because it's so boring to just watch someone who is just sleeping for 3 months so I made him see your memories]

'.....wait 3 months?any way then again why did your master do all of that?'


'Looks like you'll not answer that,And Aron, that's the same name Ryan called me, and the only person I know with that name is Aron rhysand,and slept for 3 months...hey lucien don't tell me that I'm in that scum body'

[No you're not]

I sighed in relief when I heard that

[It's not his body any more it's yours now]


'Are you kidding with me now?what the heck is that'I shouted in anger inwardly

[Nope,anyway that's better than being dead right?you know the future you can change it]

'Am I really in "date or dead"game!!!shit,I'm fucked up, I don't know the future I just know the possible future One change in Aron's actions or words, although it may seem like a trivial topic to some, but it may change the future completelyAnd I'm definitely not going to be trash like him'

After that I heard the door getting open and a maid came in,She was carrying a small tray of food and was muttering angrily with her eyes closed"Ah,why does that bitch make me feed that useless deadmeat everyday he'll just die anyway it's just a matter of time,if you want to feed this loser just do it by your self,why doesn't she just die with him"

Finally, she opened her eyes when she was in front of me, and shock filled her face"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH Y-Y-Y-YOUN-NG M-MASTE-ER"she screamed with disbelief.