A monster boss

While I was walking, some weak bats appeared, but I cut them all off until finally a different monster appeared. It was something like a beetle, with a green back and a yellow belly, as long as an adult human foot, with many small eyes, and a large mouth with sharp teeth sticking out of the mouth.

'Finally some challenge'I thought, and I couldn't stop the corners of my mouth from drifting up

I covered my scythe with mana and swept it perpendicularly But the beetle wasn't cut to half, no there wasn't even a scratch on its back.

'W-what?' I quickly backed away, my eyes still staring at the beetle running towards me with its many small legs. It was rather slow, and when the distance between us reached five meters, it jumped high in the air, I was terrified by the sight for a second, but I quickly regained my composure, straightened my stance, grabbed the scythe and,


I cut her from the bottom up and she was cut in half.

'Ha...ha...I think her back was solid from above only.'I thought as I took her mana core. It was a little bigger than the bat's core, so I guess it was a Level 0, Intermediate level monster.

[Yes, I can't believe a monster of this level made you panic.]

'It wasn't my feelings, it was Aron's own.'


'Come on, you don't need to lie, you're afraid, right'



I continued walking until I found a large staircase.

'This must lead to the second floor.' I thought as I went up the stairs. This time there were more teams in the hall getting ready and so on. I ignored them again and continued walking. There was another crossroads consisting of two paths only this time, I chose the left one again. There were crystals illuminating the road a little, so the lighting was much better. Not much time passed until I felt movement around me, but I did not see anything. Suddenly, I felt something behind my back and a notification appeared at the same time, but I ignored the notification and turned around. Immediately, I saw claws right in front of my eyes, so I tried to avoid them, so I moved to the side, but I could not avoid them completely, as part of my mask was cut off, and blood poured from my cheeks.

"Tch" What cut me was a monster that looked like a small monkey with large black claws, and on one of them were spots of my blood. I did not need anything. To tell me the level of the monster in front of me, it was at the same level as me, and I glanced at the notification and smiled at its content.

[Perception has increased by 0.5 points --->0.75]

I tightened my cap on my scythe and covered it with mana. I set off towards the monster in front of me and he did the same thing. I waved my scythe and he waved his claw. They collided with each other and the sound of the collision rang out. We retreated and advanced again, and again my scythe collided with his claw and the collision continued for a few seconds until I pushed him back a little, and we had a few more collisions until a notification appeared that distracted me for a second, but that second was enough for the monster to sink his claws into my stomach, but he had no defense, so I cut his neck with a clean blow and I fell to the ground on my butt. I quickly took out a healing potion from my spatial bag and I drank it as two more notifications appeared and I looked at the three notifications but I wasn't happy, I mean I almost died just now

[Strength has increased by0.5points-->0.75]

[Stamina has increased by 0.5 points---> 0.75]

[Health has increased by 0.7points --->1.05]

'Lucien can't you close the notifications when I fight'

[Of course I can]

'Then why you didn't!!?'

[You've never asked]



'You want me to wait till I die?!!any way there's no point in continue arguing about it, just close them Lucien, when I fight'


After some period of time I had rested and my wounds had healed, so I stood up and continued to move forward in the dungeon, and this time I learned from my previous mistakes and raised my caution and awareness of what was around me to the maximum, but there was something strange, since the first monster, I had not met any other monster.

'Damn. If you are in a monster area, whether a dungeon or not, and you don't encounter any monster, this means one thing: You are in a monster area that is so stronger that other monsters don't dare to approach, but wait, isn't this better? I still have a lot of potions and more than a hundred free points. Even if it was a monster from the first level, the middle stage, I still had a chance to defeat it' With this thought, I continued walking until I entered a large room. There were many blue luminous crystals in it, and in the middle of it there was a large throne on a platform, on which sat a large orc, about six times my height, holding a staff.

"It's...it's a solo boss monster," I muttered, with a terrifying smile forming on my face.

The boss monster is a monster that rarely appears and is much stronger than other monsters at the same level. It is divided into two types, solo and controller. The solo, from its name, is the boss monster that is alone like this orc. As for the controller, it is a boss monster that is weaker than the solo, but it controls the other monsters weaker than him or summoning them like a lich, and of course his mana core is much better than a monster at the same level as him. Also, there is no boss monster in level zero and this is only the second floor, so this orc can only be at the first level of the early stage.

'Lucien open my stats only'











'Well good,any way I can't put points in mana or health and they increase by increasing the other states so,lucien put 20 points in strength,30 in perception,25 in Stamina,22 in Agility and 10 in charm.

I felt a familiar wave of relief and strength, but I also felt intense pain. Was it because my body couldn't handle this sudden wave of strength, or because I was breaking through three small levels at the same time,reaching the middle stage of level one? Anyway, the intense pain made me make a sound, but it was low, so the orc did not notice me yet, and the pain quickly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

'Open my stats,lucien'











'Good,my health,mana and even charm, increased alot by the way,lucien what is the average charm?'

[It's 15 points]

'Then, I became handsome?unexpected gain'


'No me, You were like a skeleton'


"... you were a scum in the game Any way I become in the middle stage of level 1,it's time to fuck this orc"I said with a terrifying smile