Healing and Apologies

In the aftermath of the battle, there was a sense of relief, but also a need for healing and reconciliation. The chosen ones gathered around Marco, their faces reflecting a mix of gratitude and remorse.

One by one, they apologized to Marco. They apologized for doubting him, for not understanding his struggles, for the hurtful words spoken in the heat of the moment. But it was Benjo who stepped forward first.

"Marco," Benjo began, his voice filled with regret. "I...I said some things...I didn't mean them. I was angry, scared...I didn't know what I was saying."

His apology was heartfelt, sincere. He had let his fear and frustration get the better of him, and he had lashed out at Marco. But now, he was ready to make amends.

Marco listened, his expression softening. He understood their fears, their doubts. He too had been there. And so, with a nod of his head, he accepted their apologies. They were a team, after all, and teams stuck together, through thick and thin.