78.Suspicious people?

Hearing this, Ling Duanya was stunned.

If she didn't have a friendly first impression of Qian Jun, she would definitely think that he was cussing her.

"I'm sick? Then tell me, what's wrong with me?" Ling Duanya said calmly.

"If I'm not wrong, your right knee was injured."

"You … How did you know?" Ling Duanya couldn't stay calm anymore, and asked in surprise.

"When I saw you walking just now, you were a little uncoordinated, and this kind of uncoordinated is definitely not inborn, but acquired."

Of course, Qian Jun wouldn't say that he saw it with his X-ray vision, so he could only bluff like this.

"I walk very steadily, is there any uncoordinated?"

"Ordinary people can't see it, only people with extraordinary eyesight and superb medical skills can see it."

"You ….have medical skills?" Ling Duanya was even more surprised.

"My grandfather was a famous doctor, so I learned a lot of medical skills when I was young. When I saw you walking just now, I knew that you were injured, and I speculated that you've been injured for more than three years, and it's a poison injury."

This judgment was based on Qian Jun's knowledge from the Supreme Poison Scripture.

[A|N: and u guys thought this skill is useless.]

This was because he saw with his X-ray vision that the bone on Ling Duanya's right knee was slightly gray, which was what it looked like after being treated after being poisoned, but the remaining poison wasn't completely removed.

Hearing Qian Jun's words, Ling Duanya was shocked.

"Three years ago, my right knee was stabbed by a poisonous dagger, and it was cured later, but after half a year, my knee always hurts inexplicably. I went to the hospital several times for checkups and treatment, but it didn't get better.

But most of the time, I wasn't affected, so I didn't pay much attention to it. "

"In your situation, if you don't treat it, you'll definitely be paralyzed in less than a year or two." Qian Jun wasn't an alarmist.

If Ling Duanya was allowed to continue like this, it would really be a big problem.

"Then … what should we do?" Hearing Qian Jun's confident tone, Ling Duanya could not help but panic despite her good mental fortitude.

"Since you can see my condition, you should be able to treat it, right?"

"Of course." Qian Jun nodded.

The art of poison was designed to kill people, but it could also save people at the same time. It was just like how medicine was designed to save people, but it could also kill people at the same time.

[A|N: I don't think I need to explain it too.]

However, the method of using poison to save people was to fight poison with poison.

"I don't want to be paralyzed. Can you save me? What do you want in return? "Ling Duanya asked.

"There's a rule passed down from my ancestors. We only charge one copper coin for treatment. Of course, in order to keep up with the times, we've changed it to one gold coin. Other than that, you can pay for the medicinal herbs yourself. There's no need for any other remuneration," Qian Jun said.

"Thank you in advance." Ling Duanya heaved a sigh of relief.

"But there's one thing you need to remember. I can treat you, but you can't tell anyone about my treatment. Also, you can't let anyone else treat your illness." Qian Jun reminded her.

"I'll remember it." Ling Duanya nodded heavily and did not think much about it. She just thought that this was another rule passed down from Qian Jun's ancestors.

"As soon as I'm free, I'll concoct the treatment medicine. Now, you can ask what you want to ask." Qian Jun changed the topic.

"Before the fire started, did you notice any suspicious people?" Ling Duanya adjusted her mood and began to work.

"Suspicious people?" Qian Jun nodded heavily. "Yes!"

"Who was it?"

"Someone pretended to be a student and ran over. After being discovered by the security, he beat them up and ran away in a hurry."

"What did that person look like?" Ling Duanya asked.

"I was quite far away at the time, so I didn't see too clearly. But someone knows." Qian Jun said and called Fan Jian, Fin Tong, and Qin Shousheng.

When the three brothers reported Xiao Yifeng, many people saw it. Since they said it, it was much more credible.

After the three brothers received the news, they immediately ran to the sports room.

"Three students, what did the guy who pretended to be a student look like? Can you describe him?" Ling Duanya asked.

"That person was about 175 cm. He looked about the same age as us."

"He wasn't fat or thin. He looked very normal by stature."

"That person was very good at fighting. He could easily beat up five security guards!"

The three brothers immediately began to talk. The policewoman took note of their words and then said,

"Can I trouble you guys to come with me to take a look at the surveillance video at the entrance of your school? I need you to help me identify that person."

The three brothers immediately agreed and followed Ling Duanya out of the sports room.

Qian Jun watched Ling Duanya leave. He smiled in his heart and looked forward to it.

He had done all he could. The next step was to wait for the harvest.

— —

Li Bo drove Qin Kai and Xiao Yifeng to a relatively simple manor.

An old servant was already waiting at the entrance of the manor. After seeing the guests arrive, he led Qin Kai and Xiao Yifeng through the gate.

Under the guidance of the old servant, Qin Kai and Xiao Yifeng passed through an elegant winding corridor and came to a pavilion in the garden.

In the pavilion, an old man with a white beard was attentively holding a jade bracelet and carefully examining it.

"Master, the guests have arrived."

The old servant reported, then bowed and left.

"Tang Lao, long time no see. You're still as elegant as ever," Qin Kai said in a clear voice.

The old man withdrew his gaze from the jade bracelet and looked at the two people in front of him.

His gaze swept past Xiao Yifeng and fell directly on Qin Kai. He smiled slightly.

"Haha, I'm old. Brother Qin, you're the one who's in your prime. I'm afraid you've eaten no less than 60% of the cake of Qing Ling City's real estate industry."

"Tang Lao, you flatter me. I'm just a little lucky. Compared to you, Tang Lao, who started from scratch in the jade industry and established an impregnable empire, I'm nothing." Qin Kai smiled and waved his hand, full of admiration.

When Tang Lao heard this, he couldn't help but stroke his white beard. There was a hint of pride in his eyes and the smile on his face became wider.

Qin Kai was also a veteran in the business world. He had been through a lot in the business world and knew how to curry favor with people.

With just a few words, he made Tang Lao feel good about him.

"Brother Qin, don't just stand there. Take a seat." Tang Lao gestured.

Qin Kai sat down on a stone bench in the pavilion and glanced at the bracelet that Tang Lao was playing with.

"The color and cutting of this bracelet are really superb. If it was put on the market, it would be worth at least 10 million yuan, right?"

"Brother Qin, you have a good eye. The material of this bracelet is glass type Emperor Green, made by the famous jade master Liu Feng. It's worth between 11 million and 13 million yuan, but I don't plan to sell it." Speaking of this, Tang Lao showed a gratified expression.

"Because this is a gift from my granddaughter, Bingyun."

"You mean Miss Tang Bingyun, who is currently in charge of half of the Tang family's business. Not only is she one of the best in business management, but she is also so filial. I really envy Tang Lao for having such an excellent granddaughter." Qin Kai said enviously, and then said with sadness.

"In comparison, my daughter really worries me. Because of some business matters, I'm afraid that my peers will retaliate, so I hired a bodyguard to protect her. But she is too willful and doesn't want to listen to my arrangement, so I'm going to arrange for the bodyguard to go to her class"

Tang Lao was surprised for a moment. He understood why Qin Kai came here, but he was a little confused.

Shouldn't he go to his granddaughter, Tang Bingyun?







Dirty joke of the chapter

A woman asked her friend, "Why is your husband so punctual when returning home from work?"

The friend replied, "I made a simple rule: Sex will begin at 7 pm sharp, whether he is there or not."