102. This is your pocket money

"Brat, you don't know your place!" Chen yu was furious.

Although she was doing legitimate business now, her ruthlessness had not changed. Now that someone was about to step on her face, how could she endure it?

A fair hand grabbed an ashtray and slammed it toward Qian Jun's head.

The ashtray weighed two to three kilograms. If it hit a person's head, it would cause a bloody head injury, and a heavy blow could kill a person.

This Chen Yu was truly ruthless.

However, before the ashtray in Chen Yu's hand could land, her neck was gripped by a strong hand.

Then, the hand exerted force upward, lifting Chen Yu's feet off the ground.

Chen Yu could not help but let go of the ashtray and use her hand to pull away the hand that was gripping her neck.

However, she could not pull it away at all.

Originally, Qian Jun wanted to be kind because Chen Yu was the female lead, but this woman was too ruthless. If a heroine want to kill him, regardless of anything he'll kill them too.

Now if he was hit by such a heavy ashtray, even if he did not die, he would become brain-damaged.

In his anger, Qian Jun could not be bothered to reason with Chen Yu.

You're ruthless, aren't you? Then I as a villain can be more even more ruthless than you!

I don't believe that I can't deal with you.

"Within three days, I want information on Old Eagle. Is there a problem?" Qian Jun said coldly, while not loosening his grip.

"I … I never … never allow anyone to threaten me!" Chen Yu found it difficult to breathe, and her face turned purple. However, she still clenched her teeth and refused to speak.

"You have a backbone. I admire you, but unfortunately, this backbone will take you to hell." Qian Jun's hand gradually exerted force, revealing a murderous aura.

Chen Yu felt extremely uncomfortable. Due to the lack of oxygen, she felt dizzy. In an instant, she even felt that she was on the brink of death.

"I … I promise you …" Chen Yu spat out a few words with difficulty.

As soon as she finished speaking, she fainted.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the sofa.

Beside her sat Qian Jun.

Chen Yu's heart was filled with shock. She really could not understand how this little boy, who looked less than twenty years old, could have such frightening speed and strength.

In any case, she as a underworld Queen who had charged and broken through enemy lines in a crowd. But in front of Qian Jun, she had no power to resist at all.

Chen Yu's heart surged.

Qian Jun's heart was also very unsettled.

Earlier, when Chen Yu had fainted, he had treated her.

The treatment was the usual artificial respiration.

Of course, Qian Jun also helped her check her body out of friendship.

His motive was simple.

After all, she was the female lead of Xiao Yifeng's storyline.

Xiao Yifeng was a miracle doctor.

With Ling Duanya as an example, Qian Jun naturally had enough reason to suspect that Chen Yu was also mentally ill.

But after examining her, he found that Chen Yu was very healthy.

However, one of the test results shocked Qian Jun.

Can you believe it?

This Chen Yu is more than thirty years old, and she is still a virgin!

Growing up in such a chaotic environment, how could she preserve her innocence? It was simply too inconceivable.

Sure enough, it was the female lead's first time setting.

"It seems that life is more important than integrity," Qian Jun suddenly broke the silence and said jokingly.

Chen Yu gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, but did not speak.

"Don't look like that. Look at your right hand," Qian Jun suddenly said.

Chen Yu did not understand what he meant, but she still subconsciously raised her right hand to look.

She saw a red dot on her palm.

She remembered that there was nothing on her palm. What was this red dot?

"What did you do to me?!" Chen Yu exclaimed.

"In order to make you more obedient, I gave you something to eat. But you don't need to be nervous. I will give you the antidote at regular intervals. I won't let you die," Qian Jun explained.

This medicine or to say poison was something he had concocted when he had nothing to do with his high-level poison skills. It had only come in handy today.

"You!" Chen Yu was both shocked and angry. She wanted nothing more than to strangle this motherf**ker Qian Jun to death, but her mind was still clear. She knew that she could not beat him, so she did not make a move.

"You're very proficient in assassination, right? I only did this so that I could sleep more peacefully at night, "Qian Jun suddenly said.

Chen Yu's delicate body trembled.

She had just been nearly strangled to death by Qian Jun's. She could not take this matter down. In her heart, she was thinking of taking advantage of the time when Qian Jun was sleeping to kill him.

"How do you know that I'm proficient in assassination?" Chen Yu was somewhat puzzled.

Even her underlings did not know this information. She did not understand how Qian Jun knew.

"You don't need to worry about that. You only need to do as I say," Qian Jun paused, then continued.

"If you perform well, I will consider giving you a legitimate business that can make a lot of money. It's much better than running this lousy bar."

"Really?" Chen Yu could not help but feel somewhat moved.

Who didn't want to make a lot of money?

However, she did not have enough ability. She could only rely on the bar to make some money.

And this little bit of money was barely enough to support her underlings.

She also wanted to live in a luxurious mansion, drive a sports car, buy the best cosmetics, and wear the most expensive clothes.

"Of course it's true," Qian Jun replied with certainty.

Chen Yu was delighted, but she quickly calmed down and said:

"Then what do I need to pay?"

Her appearance was too good. In Qing Ling City, there were many big bosses who had thrown her an olive branch, but she had chased them away with a knife.

This little boy in front of her, could it be that he also had the same intention?

"I want you," Qian Jun said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Chen Yu finally confirmed his thoughts. She resolutely said:

"Then you might as well just kill me."

Her attitude was clearly that she would rather die than comply.

Qian Jun felt a bit of regret.

This Chen Yu was not like Fang Xuan, who had a weakness that was more important than life.

It seemed that when dealing with the female lead, Chen Yu, he could not use the same method as Fang Xuan.

After sorting out his thoughts, Qian Jun suddenly said:

"Don't worry, before you are willing, I won't even touch a finger of yours."

"Heh.... little boy, you can't be dreaming that I will fall in love with you, right?" Chen Yu laughed.

"Little boy? After you fall in love with me, I will definitely let you experience it. At that time, you won't think of me as a little boy...you'll instead call me Daddy ."Qian Jun said with deep meaning in his eyes.

"That day will not come." Chen Yu's red lips curled up as she slightly sneered.

"Give me the news in three days. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Qian Jun got up from the sofa, picked up the Ferrari key and prepared to leave.

"You're not taking the check with you?"Chen Yu asked suspiciously.

"That's your pocket money for this month." Qian Jun left behind an enchanting smile, then disappeared from Chen Yu's sight.

Chen Yu was stunned in place.

Pocket money of ten million yen a month?

Ever since Chen Yu became the boss, the money that belonged to her had never reached ten million yuan.

And now, ten million yuan was within her reach.

She had only agreed to help Qian Jun because she had been coerced. She had not truly meaning to obeyed him.

She really wanted to harden her backbone and treat the ten million yuan check as air.

But thinking back, she was already 32 years old this year.

It was said that after a woman turned 25, her appearance, skin, and figure would begin to decline. Although she took good care of herself and still looked like she was 25 or 26, what about in a few years?

She did not have much money left. With this ten million yuan, she could buy the best skincare products and go to the best beauty salon.

If you use this money, you'll be called as spineless maybe!

But how much is a pound of backbone? Compared to beauty, it's nothing!

The two thoughts in Chen Yu's mind fought. In the end, backbone lost to beauty.

At the same time, Qian Jun received a system notification.

[Ding, the female lead Chen Yu's favorability towards the host has increased by 20. Current favorability is 20 (Very friendly)]

[Ding, the host has influenced the plot. Received 400 villain points!]







Dirty joke of the chapter

The owner asks the clerk, "What's with that guy over there by the wall?"

The clerk says, "Well, he came in here this morning to get something for his cough. I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxative."

The owner replies, "You idiot! You can't treat a cough with laxatives!"

"Oh yeah?" the clerk says, "Look at him. He's afraid to cough!"



Please God, I Just Want To Be A Minor Character.

This is my friend novel ...if you guys can please give it a read I'll be honoured.

Well guys, as you know my new novel is now live and available on Webnovel. The novel name is

The Conquest of Taboo and Debauchery

This novel is more wholesome than your life.

It is filled with wholesome relations between mc and his women, girls of different ages , top tier Lemons, adventures , actions .....and much more.