123. Old Tang acting King

At night.

In the Tang family manor.

In the quiet and elegant room, Tang Lao was leisurely sipping tea.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by a question.

"Grandpa, are you asleep?"

Tang Lao recognized his granddaughter's voice. He immediately put away the tea and lay on the bed, pretending to be sick.

"No, come in."

Hearing this, Tang Bingyun pushed the door open and entered.

"Bing … Bingyun, I'm afraid that I don't have much time left. Before I die, I just want to see you get married. Can … can you promise me?"

Tang Lao looked like he was about to die, as if he was confessing his last regret.

Tang Bingyun knew that her grandpa was just pretending. She was not moved at all, but she still cooperated with him on the surface.

"I can get married, but I have to find a good husband. I don't want to get married casually."

"Yan Guishan … is the best … best husband for you," Tang Lao said eagerly.

"Is that so?" Tang Bingyun smiled indifferently. She took out the video given by Qian Jun and showed it to her grandpa.

"This woman is Shen Kang's wife. They are already married. Yan Guishan is completely destroying their family. Grandpa, do you think you can entrust my life to such a disgusting person?"

After watching the video, Tang Lao was secretly dissatisfied with Yan Guishan, but he did not change his mind.

"It takes two to tango. Lady Shen must be willing. You can't blame Yan Guishan for this."

"Grandpa, are you saying that Yan Guishan was forced?" Tang Bingyun sneered.

"It's normal for men to put on a show. Besides, he is not married yet. When he gets married, he will definitely not do this." Tang Lao exculpated Yan Guishan.

Tang Bingyun was a little speechless.

Grandpa was too much. Even in this situation, he was still siding with Yan Guishan?

Fortunately, Qian Jun had already warned him.

Tang Bingyun still had a backup plan.

"Let's put this aside for now. However, this Yan Guishan's behavior is so unscrupulous that he might have contracted some sort of illness. If he wants me to reconsider the engagement, he needs to provide me with a detailed health report."

"That's not a problem. I'll call him now."

After that, Tang Lao immediately picked up his phone and dialed a number.

— —

In a hotel.

"You look strong, but you're actually useless. Then why did you come out to play? Go die! Trash! "

A gorgeously dressed average woman picked up her coat and bag. After criticizing Yan Guishan with a few words, she stormed out of the door.

Yan Guishan's face looked as if he had lost his parents.

When he faced Lady Shen before, he still had a fluke mentality, thinking that he was not in the mood because he was too tired.

After he adjusted his mood, he went to the bar again, trying to find a woman to test it out.

However, the result was the same.

There was really something wrong with his manhood! He can't get it up at all!


The phone vibrated.

Yan Guishan was not in the mood and did not want to answer the phone. However, when he saw that the call was from Tang Lao, he reluctantly pressed the answer button.

"Guishan, great news. Go to the hospital for a detailed physical examination. After you get the report, send it to Bingyun. If there are no problems, she will consider the engagement." Tang Lao directly reported the good news.

"A physical examination …"

Yan Guishan's face darkened.

He was not normal at all now. How could he give a healthy physical examination report?

"I will go to the hospital for a physical examination as soon as possible." Yan Guishan responded, trying to calm Tang Lao down.

After ending the call with Tang Lao, Yan Guishan picked up the phone. After hesitating for a moment, he dialed an international long distance number.

"Smith, there is something wrong with my body and I need your help. Come to Qing ling City in Yan Country."

"Oh my god, Lord Wolf King, I am so happy to hear your voice. I heard that you have retired and I thought that I would never see you again in this life. Qing ling City in Yan Country? I will come to you with my medical team as soon as possible. "A foreigner on the other end of the phone said in English.

"Alright, give me a call when you reach Qing ling City. I will come to pick you up."

After ending the call, Yan Guishan breathed a sigh of relief.

Smith was an internationally renowned doctor and the medical team under him was also the best.

In the past, Yan Guishan had been injured while carrying out missions and had been on the brink of death several times. He had been saved by Smith and his medical team.

With Smith's help, he believed that his limpness of his dick would be cured.

When the time came, he would be able to produce a detailed physical examination report.

— —

It was still slightly past nine in the evening.

The third year students of Water Luster High School were still in the evening self-study session.

Qian Jun had applied for leave and was absent from the evening self-study session.

At this moment, he had come to the Grand Marriott and booked a room. He then sent a message to Wen Jing, telling her not to go back tonight and to meet him at the usual place.

Wen Jing agreed happily.

After that, he wrote another message and sent it to Qin Yunhan, telling her that he would come to her later.

Time passed quietly.

Fang Xuan and Wen Jing arrived at almost the same time.

The two of them looked at each other and were a little confused.

The situation was a little awkward.

However, Fang Xuan had been on the phone with Qian Jun, so she was mentally prepared and reacted first.

"Hi … Hello." Fang Xuan greeted, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Hello," Wen Jing responded blankly, then looked at Qian Jun in confusion.

"Why is there an outsider?"

"We're on the same side."

Wen Jing was startled, but she quickly understood.

She had no objections to this.

She thought of herself as his little kitten.

A kitten's setting was to listen to her master and do whatever her master said.


4 More chaps are coming today!!

Guys do so some support this novel isn't on contract it's need support to keep going!!

Go read the novel **Ruthless Rebirth of Conqueror** by my friend *Mr_zyx*

Next CHP a 3-some!!!