143. Jingwan is forced to seduce

"That's not what I meant." Su Lang shook his head.

"If that's not what you meant, then shut up and go cook. We're all hungry," Yang Tai urged.

"Hurry up!" Li Manli said with a mean face.

"Go, we haven't eaten yet. We're all hungry," Yang Jingwan said.

Previously, Su Lang was ridiculed by the sarcastic Li Manli. He really couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked Ma Hongsheng to hold a banquet.

His goal was to reveal his identity as a part of Iceberg so that Li Manli would be more polite to him in the future.

But because Ma Hongsheng suddenly fainted, Su Lang's plan was ruined.

Then, Ma Hongsheng used his connections to get a project, but Yang Tai found one himself.

It was a waste of effort.

After thinking about it, Su Lang decided to maintain his original intention.

He would continue to use the identity of a normal person to get along with Yang Jingwan's family.

If he really wanted to help Yang Jingwan's family, it would be better to do it in secret.

"I'll go cook now," Su Lang responded to Yang Jingwan's family and immediately ran to the kitchen.

[Ding, the host manipulated behind the scenes and caused the main character, Su Lang, to fail in showing off to the female lead, Yang Jingwan's family. Gained 300 villain points, Su Lang's protagonist aura -15, host's villain aura + 15!]

Qian Jun, who was busy with his work, subconsciously froze when he received the system notification.

He was busy right now, so he didn't listen to Yang Jingwan's movements.

However, judging from the system notification, it should be a chain reaction caused by him poisoning Ma Hongsheng.

Ma Hongsheng was a supporting character in the main character's camp and was of great help to Su Lang.

Now that there was a problem, Su Lang would inevitably be affected.

"What … What's wrong?" Fang Xuan looked up at him with a red face and couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing." Qian Jun shook his head and continued to busy himself.

But this time, as he busied himself, he picked up his headphones and listened to Yang Jingwan's movements.

— —

Su Lang was quite good at cooking, so he quickly finished cooking.

While Yang Jingwan was eating, the sales manager of the real estate department suddenly called her.

The sales manager was her direct superior.

She was an old woman in her fifties. In private, her colleagues called the sales manager an old witch.

This was because the sales manager's subordinates were very nasty. They scolded people for no reason and even suppressed the sales staff under them.

This was because the promotion of the sales department was mainly based on performance.

The old witch relied on her background. In order to strengthen her position, she would think of ways to get rid of any salesperson who performed well.

His subordinates were angry, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Of course, Yang Jingwan's sales weren't good. In fact, they were bad.

Something bad must have happened for the old witch to call her at this hour.

It was almost the end of the month.

Her performance for this month was zero.

Yang Jingwan picked up her phone and went back to her room to answer the call.

"Yang Jingwan, what are you doing? Why did you take so long to pick up the phone?" As soon as the call went through, the old hag's roar could be heard.

Yang Jingwan could even imagine the old witch's spittle flying everywhere as she cursed.

She was glad that she was not in front of the old witch. Otherwise, her face would be covered in her saliva.

"Manager Yu, what … what's the matter?" Yang Jingwan asked nervously.

The old witch's full name was Yu Yan.

"Don't you know what's the matter? Look at how many days are left in the month. Look at your terrible performance for this month!" Yu Yan continued to roar.

"There are three days left in the month. I will try my best to achieve the performance target in these three days," Yang Jingwan said hurriedly.

"I'll give you three days. If your performance for this month is zero, then you can pack up and leave!"

"My performance for last month exceeded the quota. According to the rules of the sales department, you can only fire me if my performance for the next month is still zero," Yang Jingwan retorted.

"My words are the rules. If your performance for this month is zero, then you can leave!" One of Yu Yan's relatives also wanted to work in the sales department.

However, the sales department was full. Unless someone wanted to leave.

Yu Yan looked at the performance of her subordinates and decided to fire Yang Jingwan, who had the worst performance for this month.

"Manager Yu, you're being too unreasonable!" Yang Jingwan couldn't take it anymore.

"In front of me, you only talk about performance. You don't talk about reason. You have such good capital. Why don't you learn from Sisi? Look at her. Her looks and figure aren't as good as yours, but she used her advantage as a woman and sold a total of eight houses this month!" Yu Yan educated Yang Jingwan.

"There are still three days left in the month. Relax a little. Accompany the clients for drinks and karaoke. Your performance will definitely come."

Yu Yan only wanted to fire the one with the worst performance. If Yang Jingwan's performance could improve, then there would be no need to fire her.

After all, Yang Jingwan's appearance was really good. She could be the face of the sales department.

Many male clients even looked at Yang Jingwan because of her.

Unfortunately, Yang Jingwan didn't know how to use her advantage.

What a waste of such a good investment.

"Manager Yu, I'm here to sell houses. I'm not here to accompany clients!" Yang Jingwan refused.

She had her own bottom line. She would rather not sell a house than show off her beauty in exchange for performance like her colleague Sisi.

"Then just wait and get the hell out!" Manager Yu saw that he couldn't get through to her, so he angrily hung up the phone.

Yang Jingwan threw her phone on the bed and lay down weakly.

She had been busy for 27 days this month and hadn't sold a single house. It was almost impossible to sell a house in the remaining three days.

Unless she asked for help.

Looking at the people around her, the only person Yang Jingwan could think of right now was Qian Jun.

However, Qian Jun had already helped her a lot with the project.

She hadn't even returned the favor and now she was going to ask him for help?

Yang Jingwan couldn't bring herself to do that.

Thinking of this, she sighed again about her sad fate.

If only she had married an outstanding husband. How good would that have been?

Perhaps he could have helped her at a critical moment.

Why did God play tricks on her and let her marry a piece of trash like Su Lang?

Sigh …

Outside the door.

Su Lang heard the entire process of Yang Jingwan's phone call.

He liked Yang Jingwan more and more.

His taste was right. Yang Jingwan's personality was too good. She wasn't blinded by money and could stick to her bottom line.

A woman like this was worthy of his love.

"Honey, let's finish the phone call. Let's eat in the afternoon."

Su Lang walked in from outside the door.

"We agreed that you weren't allowed to enter the room. Why did you come in? Get out!" Yang Jingwan was already annoyed. After seeing Su Lang, she became even more annoyed.

"I know you're worried about work. Maybe things will turn around. Don't worry."

Su Lang quickly retreated. He stood at the door and comforted Yang Jingwan.

"I just want to be alone right now. Leave." Yang Jingwan couldn't hear Su Lang's comforting words at all.

"I can leave, but you haven't finished eating. You should go down and eat. Otherwise, you'll be hungry tonight," Su Lang gently persuaded.

"You're so annoying. Can you leave?" Yang Jingwan lost her patience and her tone became a little bad.

"Be good and go eat. I won't bother you." Su Lang maintained his smile.

"I'll leave. Okay?"

Yang Jingwan was so angry that she couldn't do anything. She angrily left the room and gave Su Lang a look of disgust.

Su Lang didn't care.

He believed that his gentleness would one day move Yang Jingwan."Honey, finish the phone call and eat the meal after that."