Chapter 65

Who would hate being told that someone was treasuring her like this? Ethan was doing his best with Adelina, almost as if he were trying to erase the past where he had shunned her.

Because the Master was treating the Mistress so well, no one dared to mistreat her.

In the end, Adelina picked out a few hair pins before the merchant bowed and left the premises. Adelina finally leaned back and closed her tired eyes.

"This is a good thing, so why do you look so disheartened?"

Mona approached Adelina and put down the tea table.

"I like that he's thinking about me, but I'm not sure if it's okay for me to receive all this."

She received it because it was an expression of his feelings, but she couldn't help but feel intimidated by the cost and the amount of things that were brought to her. She was grateful to Ethan for treasuring her as his wife and treating her well, but she felt like she should tell him this was enough.

"Ah, Mona. Come closer."