Chapter 75

If the man who wanted Adelina wasn't Cedric, if the man in front of him right now wasn't the Emperor who had snatched his mother away, Ethan wouldn't have gone to such lengths to use trickery and deceit.

"Just as my wife is not the Consort, I am not my father."

The Emperor's eyes trembled at Ethan's words.

eiled intentions and the Consort had perfectly hidden hers.

"Ju Scarr will never be able to step foot in the Palace ever again. And the Crown Prince's royal marriage will progress as planned."

If Adelina had become special to Ethan just as he had expected, then it would be better to save her life instead of eliminating it.

"Leave. I would like to rest now."

With nothing else to say, Ethan began to back out of the room as he exited.

The Emperor glanced at him. When he was completely gone, he looked back at the folding screen behind him and opened his mouth.