Chapter 82

Meanwhile, the assassin coming from her side aimed his sword at her ribs.

Adelina paid no mind to the sword coming from her side. She brandished her sword with all her might as she tried to push back against the assassin in front of her.


The assassin screamed at the strange sensation. Before he could even tremble, blood burst out of him and drenched her face. She didn't have any time to assess her situation. Adelina turned to the side. She hadn't been able to pay attention to that assassin because she had been focusing on evading the one in front of her. She bit her lip.


The assassin charging at her staggered as an arrow flew into him. She took this chance to pierce his throat with her sword.


Adelina never knew that death was something that could be so suffocating.

Her exhausted legs trembled as if they'd buckle, but she bit down on her bleeding lips and held on.