Chapter 105

"Who are you and why are you doing this?"

The woman was not Adelina. She didn't look anything like Adelina. His hand limply fell back to his side. The woman looked at him with a strange expression on her face before she ran away.

After Adelina had disappeared, this had happened countless times. He'd grab the arm of a woman thinking she was Adelina, and when she turned around, she wouldn't look anything like her. Then the woman would give him a strange look and run away. This was now a normal occurrence.

"Damn it."

No matter how much he searched the areas where she'd probably be, there weren't any traces of her.

As long as they were living under the same sky, he would be able to find her. However, on days like this when his search was in vain, he couldn't help the overwhelming apprehension washing over him.


John ran after him and gasped when he saw Ethan's complexion.