Chapter 107

"It is good to obtain wealth and power. I was the one who put you in the Palace, but you can make your own decisions once you are inside. However, you will also have to take responsibility for the consequences."

"M-My lord."

"You may go."

Before she could make a plea, two men came and stood at her side. Consort Songg staggered to her feet and stared at Ethan's feet with terrified eyes. Then she lowered herself into another deep bow and followed the men out.

Once her presence had completely disappeared, John approached Ethan and bowed.

"I received word that the duke and Lady SoHee have arrived at the main residence."

Leaning against the pavilion wall, Ethan pressed his brow with his finger. It was obvious why they had come, and he had no reason to meet with them.

In light of the Consort's imminent downfall, they were trying to rope in another strong supporter. And the only strategy they had left was marriage.