When the Emperor collapsed, Cedric became the leader by proxy as the Crown Prince.

As if he were being rewarded for bowing to others' wishes until now, he unleashed his ambitious plans upon the nobles.

"Did you say 'war', Your Highness?"

The astonished subordinates looked up at Cedric in disbelief. The long chill of winter had just passed, and the days were growing warmer. But now the Crown Prince was proposing war. They couldn't believe it.

These days, the nobles had grown lazy as they relied on warriors and soldiers. They had benefited from the extravagant lifestyle of the royal court. Plunging this kind of Gideon into war would end in disaster.

"Who says Ju is the only country that can wage territorial wars?"

"Your Highness, that's not what we mean at all. It's just that war requires a lot of preparation."