Chapter 2 Top-tier Rewards, Rare Treasure Chests, Gathering Of Geniuses

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on a stone, and a "plus sign" instantly appeared behind the stone.

Click the plus sign.

[Strengthening direction ①]: uncommon stone, consuming 1 spirit stone.


"Good guy!"

Thousands of enhancement lists pop up instantly, ranging from fine-quality stones to legendary ascending stones.



He currently only needs fine quality stone.

"Consume 1 spirit stone to strengthen uncommon-quality stones!"

ten minutes later.

After consuming 150 spirit stones, I finally met the conditions for upgrading the Lord's territory.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate:

"Upgrade the Lord's territory to level 1!"


With a loud noise, the Lord's territory was enveloped in light.

A green countdown appeared above at the same time.

Countdown: 00:09:59 - Completed immediately (consumes 100 spirit stones).

"Instant completion" is also called "secondary construction", which is the privilege of those second-generation prodigal.

Jiang Chen is a poor man.

Besides, he was already absolutely sure that he would be promoted to the first place, he could afford to wait for 10 minutes.

at the same time.

A communication request came from the lower right corner of the vision.

Jiang Chen glanced at the other person's profile picture and name, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

After connecting, the image of a girl popped up in front of Jiang Chen.

The girl is naturally beautiful, and behind her stands a human heroine, a team of human marksmen, and a team of heavily armored wolf cavalry.

This made Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh at Mr. prodigal's unreasonableness.

After seeing Jiang Chen, the girl suddenly smiled, revealing two cute dimples.

"Classmate Jiang Chen, I didn't expect that we would be assigned to the same novice area. Is this fate?"

Although the territory location has a certain normal distribution relationship with the region where the main world is located, it is at least based on provinces.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"Classmate An ChuXia, it is indeed a coincidence."

An Chuxia was his classmate for three years in high school.

It stands to reason.

An Chuxia's appearance, personality, and family background are all top-notch, and she is one of the most dazzling second-generation leaders in Donghai City.

But Jiang Chen always kept a distance from her.

After all, he was just a commoner and had nothing but his handsome appearance and academic achievements.

Beauty is a disaster.


An Chuxia, This little girl showing off her favorite toy, pointed behind herself:

"My mother auctioned rare heroes and troops for me. If other lords bully you, tell me and I will vent your anger for you!"

Jiang Chen couldn't say that he was about to recruit legendary heroes, so he could only nod and said:


An Chuxia didn't mind Jiang Chen's perfunctory words at all, and reminded her with a smile:

"The top 100 lords in the town who upgrade to level 1 will be rewarded by Heaven!"

"Based on past experience, if you can upgrade to level one in one day, you can hope to enter the top 100!"

"Come on Jiang Chen, come on!!"

"I'm also going to open a map and look for resources, hehe, I'll try to upgrade to level1 within 2 hours and get the first place!"

Seeing An Chuxia's confident look, Jiang Chen opened his mouth.

He wanted to say that he would have level 1 territory in a few minutes.

However, An Chuxia was impatient and hung up the communication before he could speak.

Jiang Chen looked at the countdown and said helplessly:

"Forget it, Heavens will issue a regional announcement anyway, and she will know it soon!"

There's less than ten minutes left.

Jiang Chen was not busy with anything else, but turned on the small town regional channel.

The lords of the same novice town will all be competitors in the future "battle for the mayor".

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight without danger.

Now that Jiang Chen is full of confidence, he will naturally take up the position of mayor.


The small town channel is already bustling with activity.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mu Qingshuang, Lieutenant of the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region! The war in the Dragon Kingdom is tense in the seventh heaven. The military is currently recruiting people. New lords are welcome to sign up!"

"I am Lin Mo from Kamigawa City! The Lin family recruits a large number of vassal lords, whether farming lords or war lords, and the treatment is generous, at least better than that of the military. By the way, we don't take entertainment lords."

"Hello everyone, I am An Chuxia, No. 3 Middle School of the East China Sea!"

"Chu Xia!! I'm Mu Ze. I didn't expect that we would be assigned to the same town. What a fate!"

"Classmate Li Muche, please call me Classmate An to avoid misunderstandings. Thank you!"

"Holy crap! The military commander, the prince of the Lin family, and the little princess of the An family are all big bosses!"

"Are you all from Jiangnan Province? My name is Ying Yinman. I am from Longzhou Province. I am new to your country. Please take good care of me!"

"Hiss... Longzhou, his surname is Ying, is he a descendant of the winner of Xian Qin?"

"Your little sister Tushan Yueyue from the Tianhu tribe. By the way, why did I randomly come to the human area? Does anyone have a city relocation order? A high-level city relocation order is better. Your little sister will bought it at a high price."

(Advanced city relocation order: After use, the territory can be moved to the designated area.)

"She's a girl from the Fox Clan! Don't leave in a hurry, just add e as a friend..."

"My sister is an expat from Sky Fox in our Blue Star. I'm Wei Ming. It's an honor to meet you!"

"How old is Miss Xian Yue?"

Tushan Yueyue: "I am 10 years old!"

For the Tianhu tribe, 10 years old is already an adult.

Many gentlemen were overjoyed to see the fox girl looking innocent and easy to deceive.


Many people reported their family status.

Most of them are from Jiangnan Province.

Someone brought up the topic:

"With so many big guys competing for leadership, I wonder who can become the mayor of our novice area!"

Lin Mo said:

"Upgrade to level 3 eligible us to compete for the mayor's position. It's too early to say now!"

"I suggest that everyone seize the time to collect materials, upgrade to level 1 as soon as possible, and obtain heavenly rewards."

Lin Mo seemed to be born with a leadership temperament, and as soon as he opened his mouth, many people spoke in agreement.

"Boss Lin Mo is right!"

"I wonder what rewards will be given to the first person to upgrade to level 1 this time."

"Wait a minute, there should be a hint from Heaven!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone received the announcement.

[Announcement of the ranking reward system for the next stage. ]

[The first lord who upgrades to level 1 will be rewarded with a rare treasure chest. ]

[The 2nd to 10th lords who upgrade to level 1 will be rewarded with a uncommon treasure chest. ]

[The 11th to 100th lord who upgrades to level 1 will be rewarded with an ordinary treasure chest. ]

[After meeting the requirements, rewards will be issued immediately. ]

Jiang Chen was also stunned when he saw system's prompt.

"It's actually a rare treasure chest reward? In previous years, most of the top prizes were from excellent-quality treasure chests, right?"

The quality of props, heroes, and units is also divided into ordinary, excellent, rare, outstanding, epic, and legendary from low to high.

The mythical qualities above have not appeared for thousands of years since the Immortal Qin in the third heaven.

"People's Education Edition·Detailed Explanation of Lord Basic Knowledge" records:

Every time a territory is upgraded, system will issue rewards to the top ranking lords.


In order to take into account the development of various types of lords such as entertainment lords, farming lords, and war lords, system will also trigger various list rewards, reputation rewards, record rewards, etc. from time to time.

I Just didn't expect it.

This time in the new area, system was so generous, starting with a rare treasure chest.

Jiang Chen looked at the countdown to upgrade the territory.

Countdown: 00:05:32 - Completed immediately (53 spirit stones consumed).

5 minutes left!