Chapter 6 The Empress Surrenders, The Legendary Black Dragon, Ten Times More Powerful!

Jiang Chen continued to say calmly:

"Then do you know why I, who is so weak, can summon you, the legendary hero?"

When the empress heard this, she looked thoughtful.

Jiang Chen took out the only ordinary weapon talisman he had left and showed it to the empress.

"common slate soldier talisman?"

The empress said disdainfully:

"Why are you showing me this garbage?"

The words just fell.

Jiang Chen's hand burst out with dazzling light again, dyeing the entire territory golden.

The legendary reappears.

The strong pressure made the empress subconsciously take a half step back and open her mouth into an O shape.

Jiang Chen once again used a cost-free enhancement and obtained the legendary weapon talisman.

Jiang Chen had planned this for a long time.

He has three opportunities to strengthen without consumption.

Strengthening the hero once and strengthening the unit once is enough to make you invincible in the early stage. No matter how much you add, your combat power will overflow.

The third time will be reserved for the time being, and will be strengthened after obtaining special buildings, preferably special military buildings.

The reason why we waited until now to strengthen the troops was to deter the possible emergence of strong-willed heroes, such as the current empress.

Facts have proved that Jiang Chen's caution is extremely correct.

The light faded.

The empress looked at the military talisman in Jiang Chen's hand and stammered:

"Gold...golden legend..."

Turning ordinary military symbols into legendary military symbols is such a terrifying method!

[Tip: The empress is shocked by your methods, her favorability is +20, currently 83, reaching "enthusiasm". ]

Sure enough!

Actually, the favorability point increased by 20 points at once...

Jiang Chen said calmly:

"Now, am I qualified?"

The effect of favorability is immediate.

The empress came back to her senses, licked her lips, and said:

"My lord, you are very capable, and I admire you, my little lady. I have offended you just now, please forgive me!"

Jiang Chen stopped when he saw that he was good, and stretched out his hand to help:

"No need to be polite! I am not that stingy. Now you have seen my ability. As long as you do things well for me, I will ensure that you become a god and a saint, immortal. And I will also give you a strong body." deserve the respect they deserve."

If "territory deduction" is the most important course for a lord, then "eloquence course" is undoubtedly ranked second in importance.

Imagine a lord becomes nervous after saying a few words in front of his subordinates. How should he convince the crowd?

As a top student, Jiang Chen is naturally not weak at talking.

[The empress is infected by you, her favorability +1, currently 84. ]

The empress said: "Lord, please rest assured that I will live up to everyone's expectations. I wonder what I need to do next?"

Jiang Chen said: "There will be a wave of monsters soon. Of course, the level 1 monster wave will be easy for you."

After speaking, Jiang Chen did not delay, but gently threw the newly strengthened legendary weapon talisman in his hand.


A huge light door quickly formed and floated in mid-air.

Looking at the position of the light door, Jiang Chen was overjoyed:

"It's actually a flying unit!"

You must be so lucky.

There are special building drawings first, and then there are flying units.

Whether tactically or strategically, flying arms have huge advantages.


A giant black dragon with a body length of 4 meters and a wingspan of 8 meters squeezed out of the light door.

The giant dragon stepped on the light door, stretched its posture, and then flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

There was a strong wind for a while, making it difficult to open one's eyes.


The giant dragon roared happily, seeming to celebrate its new life.

After it circled around the territory, it obediently landed in front of Jiang Chen.

1, 2, 3...

After a while.

12 mini black dragons were arranged neatly in front of Jiang Chen, with their heads pressed tightly to the ground to show their absolute obedience.

"Greetings to the lord!"

A few poor farmers had just stood up, but under the pressure of the dragon, they were so frightened that they fell to their knees again.

But there was only excitement in their eyes.

After all, by following a powerful lord, the security of the territory is guaranteed.

Even the empress stared solemnly at the powerful creature that suddenly appeared.

If the 12 giant dragons in front of her surrounded her alone, she would only die.

[Tip: The empress is shocked by your strength, her favorability is +2, currently 86. ]


Even if ordinary lords recruit legendary heroes, they will probably have to serve them carefully as uncles.

For fear that one of them would be dissatisfied and run away.

However, within a few minutes of recruiting the empress, Jiang Chen raised her favorability level to 86 points.

This is the horror of cheating.

Jiang Chen smiled brightly:

"Everyone, please get up. There is no need to be polite from now on."

He casually opened the attribute panel of a black dragon.

[Black Dragon](unnamed)

Race: Dragon Clan

Grade 1

Quality: Legend (☆)

Attributes: Physique 22, Spiritual Power 18, Soul 20, Carrying 0

Combat power: 14☆

Skills: Dark Breath, Magic Dragon Scale, Furious Heart.

So strong!

The combat power of level 1 ordinary arms is mostly between 1-2 stars.

The black dragon's combat power is 10 times more than that of ordinary soldiers.

10 times the combat power does not mean "one against ten".

But the attributes differ by 10 times.

(Combat power only calculates the average of the four-dimensional attributes, not skills.)

Just imagine that when the physical strength, spiritual power, and soul are all 10 times different, a giant dragon can easily destroy thousands of ordinary monsters.

Not to mention, Black Dragon also has three powerful skills.

Moreover, the dragon can be ridden. When he grows older, Jiang Chen can experience the feeling of a dragon knight.

After all, it is a legendary unit.

Jiang Chen felt that it was necessary for him to go to great lengths to give them cool names to show his honor.

In order from left to right:

"You are Long Yi, you are Long Er... you are Long Twelve."

Following Jiang Chen's naming, the name also appeared in the black dragon attribute panel.

Although they are both legendary one-star black dragons, their attributes are slightly different.

After choosing the names, Jiang Chen chose the one with the highest attributes.

"Long Jiu, you will be their captain from now on."

Long Jiu's face showed a humanized look of surprise:

"Thank you Lord for the name. Long Jiu will defend the Lord to the death!"

Jiang Chen was startled by the crisp voice:

"Are you a female?"

Long Jiu looked a little uneasy:

"Back to your lord, from what you humans say, yes!"

Jiang Chen nodded and comforted:

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no gender discrimination in my territory. Everything depends on strength."

Long Jiu was relieved.

It would be fine if this lord was just an ordinary person.

But they had long felt the terrifying threat from the empress.

There is only one explanation for this. The empress is a legendary hero.

His lord actually received has the allegiance of a legendary hero, and it also seemed his loyalty was quite high.

If the lord is dissatisfied with himself, he will not be able to reap the benefits.


The empress seemed to sense something and turned to look at the fog of war outside the territory.

"Lord, there are uninvited guests outside the territory!"

Almost at the same time.

Jiang Chen also received the reminder.

[Tip: The tide of monsters has begun, please be prepared. ]