Chapter 12 Field Military Buildings, Dragon Breath Plowing The Ground

The stronger the monster, the greater the harvest.

"Is there an epic monster spawning around my territory?"

Through the lord interface, he directly contacted Long Yi.

"Long Yi, report the situation!"

Long Yi's voice came:

"Reporting to the lord, a giant centaur lair was found 10 kilometers south of the territory, with a level of 6-9 and about a thousand in number."

Jiang Chen asked curiously:

"A low-level centaur warrior can't hurt you, right?"

Long Yi was a little depressed:

"There is a hero among the monsters, and I was focused on it."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Not the epic monster expected though.

But the Centaur Lair is also a good thing.

[Centaur Lair]: A military building in the wild where you can recruit centaur warriors.

Centaur warriors are elite units with good melee and long-range capabilities.

The standard barracks that comes with the territory can now only recruit militiamen. You need to upgrade 4 camps before you can recruit elite human swordsmen.

As more and more resource points are occupied, using dragons to guard them is overkill.

The appearance of the centaur's lair just solved his urgent need.

After Jiang Chen roughly understood the landforms, he immediately broadcast through the Lord's Heart:

"Except for the dragon guarding important resource points, everyone else must gather at (XXX, XXX)."

The empress also finished her training and said expectantly:

"Lord, what about me?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Come with me!"

As a long-range unit, the Centaur tribe's fire-focusing ability should not be underestimated.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, Jiang Chen must visit the scene in person.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said:


Four consecutive haloes rose, and Jiang Chen was directly promoted to level 5, with his survivability greatly increased.

This is not the end.

Jiang Chen thought for a moment, then took out a long sword with a whiteboard, and the light shone brightly in his hand.

"Consume 20,000 spiritual stones, choose the strengthening direction ③⑥, the excellent sword Crimson Holy Word."

The huge amount of hard-earned money shrunk by less than half in an instant.

The light faded.

The white sword has turned into a three-foot-three-inch long bloody sword that emits red light.

[Crimson Holy Word](Excellent)

Level: 5

Sharpness: 22

Rugged: 18

Attributes: Physique +9, Spiritual Power +6, Carrying -4

Skills: [Blood Arc] [Holy Word]

Worthy of being an excellent weapon, the Crimson Holy Word not only has explosive basic attributes, but also has two powerful skills, one offensive and one auxiliary, which complement each other.

Seeing the empress' eyes shining, Jiang Chen threw the sword away.

"It's yours! Remember, your mission is to protect me later!"

The empress couldn't put it down and played with it for a while, then patted her chest and said:

"Don't worry, Lord."

[Tip: The empress feels great that you gave her the sword, and her favorability will increase by 1, currently 88 points. ]

One step closer to "intimacy".

Half an hour later.

Jiang Chen crossed the vast grassland, took the empress and eight giant dragons, and appeared at the predetermined coordinates.

The empress stood beside Jiang Chen holding a sword.

The eight giant dragons did not fly proudly in the air this time. Instead, they crouched and tried to hide themselves in the grass that was half a man tall and crawled forward.

Not far away, there is a giant centaur tribe.

Groups of centaur warriors patrolled in an orderly manner, and less than half of them were elites.

[Centaur Warrior](Elite)

Race: half-orc

Level: 8

Combat power: 20☆

Skills: [Continuous Arrow] [Charge] [Chick]

As far as the eye can see, there are hundreds of them.

If other lords were here, even a prodigal like An Chuxia would only be disappointed when encountering such a large Centaur tribe.

Unfortunately, they met Jiang Chen.

Long Jiu's long face suddenly came over and said uncomfortably:

"Lord, we are giant dragons, and our current posture is too disgraceful!

"How about I roar and announce the arrival of the lord like these ants?"


Jiang Chen hit Long Jiu hard on the head and scolded in a low voice:

"Mang? Do you know Mang?"

"I ask you to be the squad leader. Can you use your brain in battle?"

"Why rush through when you can make a sneak attack, huh?"

Jiang Chen was glad that he followed.

There are nearly a thousand level 8 monsters, including fully armed elite monsters.

If you follow the high-profile fighting style of these giant dragons, it will not be difficult to win this battle, but there will definitely be casualties.

The legendary dragon, even if Jiang Chen dies, he will be heartbroken.

After scolding Long Jiu, Jiang Chen carefully observed the local formation.

Then start setting up tactics.

"Wait for you to line up in a line, fly to the coordinates (XXX, XXX) as fast as possible, and then use [Dark Breath] to plow the ground..."

As Jiang Chen, who participated in the National High School Tactics Competition, this situation was just childish.

To ensure that the dragons understood, Jiang Chen said softly:



Eight giant dragons flapped their wings and instantly rose into the sky.

"Enemy attack..."

"The dragon just now is back again!"

"Haha, a young dragon actually dares to come back. Let's eat dragon meat tonight!"

"No, 1, 2, 3...8 dragons, be on alert!"

"Ah, no, they went to the military camp to protect Mr. Markhan!"

Listening to the centaur's exclamation, Jiang Chen said with satisfaction:

"It turns out to be the common language of all races!"

"It seems that this centaur nest also has blood and inheritance. It is not an uncivilized wild tribe. Not bad!"

The higher the level of civilization, the greater the potential.

After 10 seconds.

The dragon has reached the designated location.

"Dark Breath!"

Dragon's breath, as black as ink, spurted out and fell to the ground with a sizzling sound.

Eight dragon breaths came out together, instantly creating a death zone dozens of meters wide, and quickly spread forward.

The originally peaceful camp suddenly erupted into continuous screams.

The combat power of ordinary centaurs is in the early 10s, and they quickly lose their vitality.

Only elite centaurs can struggle for a moment.

[Your unit Long Jiu kills the centaur warrior (elite) and obtains energy*80, spiritual stone*8, and refined treasure chest*1. ](Click to extract)

[Your unit, Dragon One, kills the centaur warrior (elite) and obtains energy*70, spirit stone*5, and unit soul*1. ](Click to extract)

[Your military type...]

Jiang Chen's plan was a success.

In an instant, hundreds of updates popped up.

What surprised Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, in the second post, the soul of the unit was revealed.

[Soul of Arms] (Elite): Use it on ordinary arms to promote them to elite arms; use it on elite arms to increase their star level.

nice one!

The empress looked at the one-sided battlefield and said sincerely:

"My lord, you use your troops in an eclectic way, and your subordinates admire you!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"This is something that ordinary high school students know. It's nothing to brag about."

The empress heard this and said curiously:

"Lord, when will you take me to your world? Your world is called Blue Star, right?"

"It's called Blue Star."

There is nothing to hide. Jiang Chen said casually while staring at the battlefield:

"According to the rules of the battlefield of all races, your favorability must reach 100 points before you can follow me to Blue Star."

The empress knew that things like favorability were hard to come by, so she smiled sweetly and said:

"Then Lord Lord, you must work hard to make this little girl surrender physically and mentally as soon as possible."

The two of them chatted for a while before the giant dragon plowed the land and reached the centaur's main camp.

A three-meter-tall, muscular centaur hero was cursing while fastening his trousers:

"Who dares to disturb my sleep? I'm getting impatient...ah no..."

Before it finished speaking, it saw eight blazing dragon breaths falling on its head.

Three seconds later.

The eight-headed dragon put away its breath and soared into the sky.

The only centaur hero in the tribe has turned into charcoal and cannot die anymore.


Long Jiuba rose to a height of 100 meters and was out of the range of the centaur archers before taking a few sharp breaths.

"I breathed out for more than ten seconds in one breath, and I felt a little out of breath!"

Long Yishen felt the same:

"The lord is right, we sisters need to practice our lung capacity!"

At the same time, Jiang Chen also received a reminder from Heaven.

[Your unit Long Jiu kills the Centaur Chief (rare hero) and obtains energy*20000, spirit stone*228, Wind Spirit Bow (rare)*1, and Raid order*1. ](Click to extract)

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

"Big bang!"

"And a subjugation order was actually issued?"

Jiang Chen's thoughts changed rapidly when he saw the crusade order.

"It's still Lin Mo who wants to attack Li Muze..."

"No, this is the first Raid order. It's a rare item. It's a waste to use it yourself!"

"Why not sell this Raid order at a high price and let them crusade against me?"

"Not only is it a huge amount of energy income, it can also be used to extort a huge amount of spiritual stones!"

"But how to sell it without arousing their suspicion..."

The rules of the exchange came to mind, and Jiang Chen had a plan in mind.