Chapter 23 I Am not Member Of The Dark Race!


All the treasure boxes were placed on the ground by Jiang Chen, including the epic treasure box.

"Empress, I'll leave this little thing to you."

The empress chuckled, but still obeyed:

"As you command, Lord ."

[You open the epic treasure chest and get Dragon Tooth Rice*100]

[You open the uncommon treasure chest and get any door*1]

[You open...]

Jiang Chen smiled.

As expected, the empress's hand was red, and the items she handed out were at least of medium and high quality.

Especially the Dragon Tooth Rice found in epic treasure chests.

[Dragon Tooth Rice]: It is bred by the influence of the divine dragon's energy. Long-term consumption can greatly improve attributes and bones, and has a certain chance of triggering the star upgrade of the unit (the lower the current level of the unit, the higher the chance of star upgrade).

According to the "People's Education Edition·Ten Thousand Races of Spiritual Objects" record:

[Although legendary quality heroes and units can use Dragon Tooth Rice to slightly improve their attributes, the chance of triggering a star upgrade is very slim. ]

"So, these dragon tooth rice are mainly for myself and the goddess warrior."

Longya rice is three feet and three inches long, shaped like a large radish, and its whole body is as crystal clear as jade.

I knocked it with my hand, and it made a sound of gold and jade.

"Good weight!"

Jiang Chen held it in his arms and weighed it. A grain of dragon tooth rice weighed hundreds of kilograms.

This time, 100 sticks are taken out at one go, which is 10 tons.

"I'll have it for breakfast today!"

The empress on the side looked moved and said:

"This dragon tooth rice has a terrifying aura, even a hundred times more powerful than the thousand-year-old ginseng, and it seems to contain a majestic and majestic aura!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "The Dragon Tooth Rice contains a trace of the aura of a divine dragon. Note that it is a divine dragon, not a giant dragon!"

"What's wrong with our dragons? Why do we have to emphasize the dragon? The mythical rank is amazing!"

Long Jiu whispered, then drooled:

"Lord, I want to eat!"

Jiang Chen glared at Long Jiu:

"Don't you look down on Shenlong? Don't eat what you have!"

Long Jiu quickly apologized and smiled:

"Slip of the tongue, Lord, you don't remember the faults of villains!"

The best ingredients naturally require the simplest cooking methods.


The rich longya rice porridge was served.

The spiritual energy on the porridge rises and turns into mini dragon-shaped spiritual energy, cheerful and joyful.

"It is worthy of being an epic spiritual creature!"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath:

"Compared to Long Ya Rice, the spiritual food I ate yesterday is simply dog ​​food!"

Eat a bowl of spiritual porridge.

Jiang Chen felt a burst of heat instantly fill his body.

[Tip: If you take Longya Rice, your physical strength will be +2 and your spiritual power will be +1]


Jiang Chen was overjoyed:

"Give me another bowl!"

Before the meal started, the goddess warriors were also summoned back by Jiang Chen through the lord's heart.

They worked all night yesterday.

Although all of them are dusty, their beautiful faces are not concealed.

Cynthia, the leader of the goddess warriors, said with emotion: "Our sisters deserve to receive such precious food."

Deputy leader Giselle swallowed: "It's over. I haven't repaid the favor I owed the lord before, and now I owe you a bigger favor."

Jiang Chen also figured out the connections of this group of goddess warriors.

Although they have been around for thousands of years, they have always remained indifferent to the world and maintained their pure nature.

On the premise of keeping their loyalty, they must repay their kindness and pay their debts.

Jiang Chen's care actually made them feel burdened.

It is worth mentioning that the deputy leader Giselle has blond hair and her appearance is 90% similar to the model with the same name in her previous life.

Of course, the goddess warrior is superior in both temperament and figure.

"Eat with confidence, I'll need your help later!"

After breakfast, Jiang Chen took the empress and the two goddess warrior leaders onto Long Jiu's back.

"Set off!"

Currently, the [Manned Flight] skill can only carry 4 people.

After synchronizing the news in the regional channel with Meng Tian, ​​Ying Yinman frowned:

"It's 11:30 at noon, time is a bit tight! With the speed of Xian Qin Tieying, I hope it's not too late."

Meng Tian smiled and said:

"Your Highness, don't worry. Eleven-thirty is just the time for them to gather. Even if they arrive first, an epic monster will be enough for them to conquer for a while, and then we will come out to clean up the mess."

Ying Yinman was a little confused:

"If the battle has already started for the lords that An Chuxia spent so much effort to summon, wouldn't it be a bit awkward for us to grab monsters again?"

Meng Tian fondly touched Ying Yinman's hair:

"My good Highness, you should know the origin of the name "Dragon Kingdom"!"

Ying Yinman proudly said:

"I know! Because my father is the ancestral dragon!"

"That's right!"

Meng Tian, ​​the legendary lord, has eyes full of fanaticism:

"As His Highness, looking at Dragon Kingdom and even the entire Blue Star, is there anything that His Highness dare not do or cannot do?"

"Besides, the battlefield of all races is originally about the weak and the strong, and the strong is respected!"

"If His Highness is really feeling sorry, just give them some compensation when the time comes. Anyway, Your Highness is not short of those millions of spiritual stones."

Ying Yinman was right when he thought about it:

"Okay, then give them some spiritual stones to compensate!"

Iron Eagle Rui is a famous combined unit of Xian Qin.

The Immortal Qin Iron Eagle and the Flying Knight are both outstanding units, and when combined they form the Iron Eagle Warrior, an epic unit.

The two flying knights gave up their mounts.

"Sister Meng, let's leave now!"



Wei Ming yawned.

"Damn it, you're on alert!"

"Master, I haven't slept all night, but it's calm and nothing happened!"

"Not just me, all the lords are safe and sound!"

With dark circles under his eyes, he ordered the rare heroes under his command:

"Aiwa, summon all the troops in the territory. Let's conquer the medium-sized goblin camp. Today, even if the Japanese lord fights for his life, he must capture the iron ore!"

The human heroine with a curvy figure said solemnly:

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

Then he took the order and left.

Wei Ming looked at the heroine's graceful figure and swallowed:

"If I treat Eva as my ancestor on this day, I will almost become Li Muche's licking dog!"

"But the favorability level has only increased by 4 points. When will it reach 90 points!!!"

Half an hour later.

Wei Ming led the territorial army to the goblin camp.

But the scene before him shocked him.

The goblin camp was devastated and littered with corpses.

The heroine Aiwa looked at it for a moment and said solemnly:

"Lord, there is dark energy remaining at the scene!"

"Moreover, this battle happened just ten minutes ago. The goblin camp did not form any decent resistance at all. It was a one-sided massacre!"

"Dark energy! One-sided massacre!" Wei Ming suddenly thought of something and was horrified, "Dark invasion! This is the dark invasion event last night!"

He screamed:


"This terrifying dark race must be nearby!"


Wei Ming took a photo and sent it to the regional channel.

Wei Ming: "{Photo} (click to view)"

Wei Ming: "Brothers nearby, be careful! This is the work of the dark race that invaded last night!!!"

Wei Ming: "Attention, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!!"

Jiang Chen, who was browsing the regional channels boredly on Long Jiu's back, was suddenly startled.

"Why does this photo look so familiar?"

"Damn it, wasn't this just now..."

When they were on their way, they happened to encounter a medium-sized goblin camp.

Anyway, there was plenty of time, so Jiang Chen let Long Jiu lower his height and casually sprayed a few puffs of dragon breath.

After all, these are all energy and spirit stones.

"How come I have become a dark race?"