Chapter 25 The Scapegoat! The Madness Of The Lords!

This situation.

Ying Yinman is simply speechless.

Although she did prepare to grab the monster, she didn't get it!

"It was like this when I came here. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it."

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with anger.

In order to participate in the annihilation of the epic monster, he did not hesitate to spend a precious [Any Door].

Now the opponent just wants to steal the monster, and they won't admit it.

Fortunately he still has sense.

"It's boring to say that, Mr. Ying Yinman. On the battlefield of all races, the strong are respected. If you grab it, grab it. I didn't say anything!"

Ying Yinman was already depressed. Now that he was being squeezed, he narrowed his eyes:

"If you didn't rob it, you didn't rob it! What does it have to do with me whether you say anything or not?"

When An Chuxia saw this, she quickly said:

"Everyone values ​​harmony! This encirclement and suppression operation was based on distribution based on contribution. Student Ying Yinman robbed it because of his ability!"


Ying Yinman was speechless.


The second generation leader of a small family shouted:

"Do you dare to do it or not? Is this how Qin Shihuang educates future generations?"

An Chuxia's expression changed and she shouted: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Unfortunately it's still too late.

"If you dare to be disrespectful to His Majesty, you will be killed!"

Meng Tian gave a soft drink, and his body turned into a stream of light, and one person rushed towards the thousands of troops on the opposite side.

"what are you doing?"

"Ying Yinman, take care of your heroes!"

"Holy shit, a hero rushes up on his own. Is this looking for death?"

"Everyone has something to say!"

"Sister Meng, don't kill anyone!"

No one expected that a hero would suddenly take action, but it seemed like he was acting spontaneously.

The scene immediately echoed with exclamations one after another.

What's even more shocking is Meng Tian's combat prowess.

She formed the yin and yang seal on her hand and patted forward gently.

"Yin Yang Aiki Mudra!"

Terrifying scarlet spiritual energy waves surged out.

Dozens of soldiers and an elite hero blocking the way of the lord flew out at the same time, their bodies twisted, and they could not survive.

Fortunately, Ying Yinman spoke up in time.

After killing dozens of soldiers with one move, Meng Tian waved his hand lightly in the frightened eyes of the second-generation leader:

"This is just a lesson. Be thankful that my lady... is kind, otherwise you would have broken your neck."


The lord's arms fell off, and the cuts were as smooth as mirrors.

"Yesterday Jiang Chen broke someone's arm, today I'll break both of yours!"

Ying Yinman spread his hands and said kindly:

"Classmate, please go to the hospital to pick up your arm after it returns to the main world!"

"Be careful to keep the invoice for medical expenses. Ask for the one from Huang Lian, and then ask me to reimburse you!"

Mengtian's ferocity shocked all the lords.

They gasped and took three steps back.

"Hiss... what a terrifying hero!"

"Instant kill!"

"Zhang Hao is about the same strength as me. Doesn't that mean that if she angers the boss Ying Yinman, she can send a hero to destroy my territory!!"

"As expected of the winner of Xian Qin and the descendant of the First Queen, what kind of hero is this?"

"It must be excellence..."

The second-generation leader named Zhang Hao was shaking all over, both in pain and out of fear.

He didn't dare to speak out any more wild words, so he could only vent:

"Jiang Chen, look at your great start! Why are you cutting your arm when you have nothing to do?"

An Chuxia was unhappy: "What does this have to do with Jiang Chen!"

Ying Yinman also agreed: "It does have nothing to do with classmate Jiang Chen!"


Lin Mo screamed:

"Ah! My spirit stone!"

Then quickly open the exchange.

[Bet content: The hero is at the top of the power list, the winner takes all. If multiple people win, the prize pool will be divided according to the betting ratio. ]

[Bet status: 200,000 spirit stones to buy Lin Mo (yourself) to win the top spot]

[Note: Buy and leave! ]

"Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

Lin Mo muttered to himself absentmindedly.

The slow response is still strange:

"Boss Lin Mo, what's going on?"

But those who reacted quickly all cried out in surprise.

"Ah ah ah, hurry up, hurry up, hero battle list!"

"In less than half an hour, the hero strength list will be announced!"

"The betting market was locked 20 minutes before the rankings were released. There are still a few minutes left! Hurry up and place your bets!"

"Bet, what bet?"

"You idiot! The hero who defeated the Yinman boss is so strong that he has already been appointed to the top of the list..."

"You'll know just by looking at Boss Lin Mo's reaction!"

"I brought 50,000 spiritual stones this time, and I defeated the Yinman boss with all of them!"

Everyone went crazy.

No one paid any attention to Zhang Hao, who had just had his arms cut off!


It should be said that Zhang Hao didn't care about the pain in his arms and quickly pressed all the spirit stones on Ying Yinman.

Even the epic boss who had never been masked was forgotten by the lords.

There are sober people too.

"With so many of us buying and winning against Big Brother Yinman, the odds are probably ridiculously low!"

But such comments were quickly drowned out.

"You're stupid. Even if the odds are 10%, it's equivalent to a time deposit with a stable return of 10%! It's a guaranteed profit without losing money. It's better if you don't buy it!"


The originally tense battlefield suddenly felt like a vegetable market, and even the air was filled with the smell of copper.

Faced with this situation, Ying Yinman was also dumbfounded.

Meng Tian was silent for a moment and apologized in a low voice: "It's all my fault. Your Highness cannot make money in the hero battle list. Please forgive me!"

"Sister Meng is serious!"

Ying Yinman waved her hand quickly:

"The income from one million spiritual stones is not enough for my daily pocket money!"

"I just think it would be more fun to shock these guys if I win the top spot like a dark horse!"

"Now they're in shock!"

Meng Tian feels at ease now!

At this time.

Lin Mo finally came to his senses, and Nan Nao muttered to himself:

"I still have 300,000 spirit stones, and I was planning to raise my bet in the last few seconds. Moreover, with the reputation of my Kamigawa Lin family, I may not be able to rack up huge debts and borrow hundreds of thousands of spirit stones!"

"If you win Yin Man with all the bets, even if you can't make a profit this time, you won't lose too much!"

Thinking of this, he quickly opened his address book without caring about the embarrassment.

Lin Mo: "Brother Wei, can you lend me 100,000 spiritual stones as a guarantee in the name of my Kamigawa Lin family?"

The minutes passed quickly.

The betting board is locked.

No new bets will be accepted.

There are still 20 minutes left before Tiandao releases the rankings.

Dozens of lords present were also satisfied.

To their surprise, the odds of winning Yinman were as high as 28%.

Think about it too.

After all, they only have dozens of lords and limited financial resources.

Moreover, their crazy bets naturally increased the odds of Lin Mo and other lords.

When the odds are high, some people like to use small things to make big gains.

"Although I failed to encircle and suppress the epic hero, the time deposit with a steady profit of 28% is considered a worthwhile trip."

"Haha, speaking of it, I have to thank the Goddess of Early Summer for organizing this siege, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get first-hand information!"

"In other words, thank you to Brother Zhang Hao for angering Mr. Ying Yinman!"

"Haha, how much did Brother Wang press?"

"No more, no more, just 80,000 spirit stones!"

"I really envy Brother Wang for his wealth, I only have 40,000 spiritual stones!"


Someone pointed at the betting situation on the betting board and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, look, everyone, someone actually suppressed Jiang Chen's 10,100 spirit stones!"

"He couldn't have pressed it himself!"

"Is he confident in his hero's fighting power?"

"Hmph, this is the blind confidence brought about by the lack of information! Jiang Chen may have a rare hero in addition to his outstanding troops."

"It's not Jiang Chen's fault. If I hadn't seen the fighting power of Yinman's boss hero, he might have succeeded in stealing the chicken!"

Lin Mo sarcastically said:

"Haha, even if he doesn't win against the Yin Man boss, that kid Jiang Chen is just overestimating his abilities!"

"Now that things have come to an end, I've just shown my cards!"

"I am an outstanding hero, otherwise I would not have been stupid enough to give myself 200,000 spiritual stones!"

As he spoke, Lin Mo felt heartbroken.

Someone whispered:

"Boss Lin Mo is an outstanding hero and he is ashamed of himself. Could it be that Boss Yin Man is epic hero!"


On Long Jiu's back, Jiang Chen almost fell off in excitement.

He knows that before any gambling market is locked, there will inevitably be an influx of large amounts of gambling money.

But I didn't expect there to be so many! ! !

According to the rules, if no one puts him at the top of the list.

As long as he presses 1 spirit stone, he can monopolize millions of spirit stones in the gambling pool.

But to be on the safe side, he still pressed himself for 10,000 spiritual stones in the last few seconds.

Facts have proved that what he did was right, and someone actually suppressed him.


After getting excited, Jiang Chenyou said strangely:

"Who pressed the other 100 spirit stones?"

Didi didi——

A friend sent a message.