Chapter 39 Creation Of Military Units, Global Announcement?

A building taller than the Zuixian Tower rose from the ground.

Jiang Chen looked at the construction time.

Countdown: 71:59:59 - Completed immediately (consuming 43,200 spirit stones).

As a military building, the construction of Tianyin Pavilion takes up to 3 days.

Jiang Chen doesn't have time to wait that long:

"Finish at once!"

[Tip: You have consumed 43,200 spirit stones, and the construction of Tianyin Pavilion is completed. ]

[Tip: The favorability of your hero and empress is +4, and the current favorability is 95 points. ]

[Tip: Your heroic empress obtains the epic title "Holy Lord Tianyin", and all attributes are increased by 30%. ]

[Tip: Your heroic empress comprehends the skill "Preaching and Teaching"]

Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Epic title? Increase all attributes by 30%?"

What a surprise.

After obtaining the title of [Holy Lord Tianyin], the empress' combat power instantly exceeded 300 stars!

A level 10 hero with 300 star combat power, I'm afraid no one would dare to believe it! !

When the Tianyin Pavilion was completed, the Empress was the happiest person. But after the surprise, the Empress had some doubts:

"Lord, it looks a bit small."

Jiang Chen suddenly laughed:

"You look inexperienced at first glance. Although bigger is better, size is not the most important thing. Powerful performance is more important."


Jiang Chen looked at the panel of Tianyin Pavilion.

[Tianyin Pavilion]

[Quality]: Epic

[Type]: Barracks

[Inner area]: 8,000 square meters

[Arm]: Jiutian Holy Lady, Tianyin disciple

[Existing units]: Holy Lord (1/1), Jiutian Holy Lady (0/9), Tianyin True Successor (0/∞), Tianyin Disciple (0/∞)

[Sect Skills]: Tianyin Jue (C Level)

[School Skills]: Tianyin Nine Kills (Level C), Nine Sword Techniques (Level D), Spirit Explosion (Level E), Basic Sword Techniques (Level F), Basic Palm Techniques (Level F), Qin Yi

[School Welfare]: Enlightenment Room (Level 0)*20, Spirit Gathering Room (Level 0)*20, Energy Gathering Room (Level 0)*20, Experience Tower (Level 0)*1

[Enlightenment Room]: Skill comprehension speed doubled

[Spirit Gathering Room]: The speed of absorbing spiritual energy is doubled.

[Energy Gathering Room]: You can gain additional territory energy by practicing.

[Experience Tower]: Tianyin disciples who pass the experience can be promoted to Tianyin True Transmission (Epic).

"Ordinary military buildings only have the function of recruiting troops!"

"In comparison, Tianyin Pavilion's functions are much more powerful!"

Jiang Chen let out a breath.

"Especially the experience tower. Ordinary Tianyin disciples can directly advance to the epic level through the experience tower."

"The only shortcoming is that the sect's techniques and skills are a bit weak!"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen remembered that the empress had just learned a new skill called [Preaching and Instructing].

[Preaching and Instructing]: As the Holy Master of Tianyin, any skills and skills mastered by the empress can become sect skills and sect skills by default. All Tianyin Pavilion disciples can master it simultaneously.

"This is such a magical skill!!!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but curse.

I just said that the martial arts skills are a bit weak!

"In other words, if I get an S-level skill for the empress to learn, it will be equivalent to all the soldiers recruited by Tianyin Pavilion learning this S-level skill."

Only this one.

The value of the Empress far exceeds most of the legendary heroes known to Jiang Chen.

"But why is the Empress so strong?"

"Is it because the empress is not a native of the battlefield of all races, but was summoned from all the heavens and worlds based on her past life memories?"

Jiang Chen guessed correctly.


[Tip: You created the outstanding military unit "Tianyin Disciples" and obtained the privilege of making announcements in the Seventh Heaven - Area 666 - Blue Star Territory. Do you want to make an announcement? ]


[If an announcement is made, the reward will be Reputation*10000 and Legend*100. ]

Seeing this heavenly reminder, even with Jiang Chen's strong concentration, he instantly lost consciousness.

This is...a global announcement! ! !

Once the announcement is made, all the tens of billions of new lords of Blue Star can be seen.

Even the [Altar of Two Realms] in the main world will have visions.

This situation is recorded in "The Biography of Celebrities".

"When Zhu Yuanzhang created the epic military unit [Jinyiwei] hundreds of years ago, all the altars of the two realms on Blue Star rang for three days to celebrate."

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to him, and so quickly.

"I see!"

After a few minutes, Jiang Chen calmed down and breathed out softly:

"The Empress and Tianyin Pavilion are not originally part of the battlefield of all races. It is reasonable for a unit that has never appeared on the battlefield of all races to be judged as a self-created unit."

"The maximum number of Jiutian Saint Princess is only 9. It is not a mature unit yet, so it is not considered a created unit."

After thinking about the reason, Jiang Chen's thoughts changed rapidly.

"The announcement must be made!"

"Even if it attracts attention from big forces and even targets you, I won't hesitate!"

"After all, that's 10,000 reputation points and 100 legend points."

"Of course, the time for the announcement is not now."

Thought for a moment.

Jiang Chen finally chose the time.

"Set the announcement time after the military strength list is settled tomorrow!"

"If people now know that I can mass-produce excellent troops, most of the lords will give up."

"But that little girl Ying Yinman will definitely explode her troops like crazy. She will even dismiss all the farmers to compete with me for the epic treasure chest!"

"This is internal friction for both me and her!"

"It's a win-win situation if I'm first and she's second!"

After considering the pros and cons, Jiang Chen temporarily put aside the global announcement.

Then open the recruitment option of Tianyin Pavilion.

[Nine Heavens Holy Lady] (Legend): Food*5000, energy*10000.

[Tianyin Disciple] (Excellent): Food*800, Energy*2000.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't use the energy gained from killing the lord yesterday.

"Recruit the legendary soldier, Nine Heavens Saint Princess!"

Tianyin Pavilion is prosperous.

10 minutes later.

A stunningly beautiful woman walked out of Tianyin Pavilion.

The beautiful woman is about 30 years old. She is dressed in palace clothes like the empress and is very charming.

She seemed to have accepted the basic information about the synchronization of heaven and earth and understood her situation. She knelt down and gave Jiang Chen a slight blessing:

"My subordinate Fanyintian has met the lord!"

"No need to be polite!"

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to support him slightly, and then immediately looked at Fanyin Tian's attributes.