Chapter 63 Far Ahead! Breakthrough Successful!

After being amazed, everyone began to speculate on how Jiang Chen did it.

"Perhaps it's a defensive building. Don't forget the Continuous Arrow Tower that Li Muche encountered when he was attacking Master Jiang Chen!"

Li Muche: "Ahem, let this matter pass! Besides, how can the Lianzhu Arrow Tower have such a high monster-killing efficiency?"

"Could it be that the self-created unit [Tianyin Disciples] created by Mr. Jiang Chen is a long-range unit, so it can shoot the enemy hundreds of meters away?"

Tushan Yueyue: "I guess brother Jiang Chen went directly out of the city and blocked the aliens in the fog..."

Jiang Chen: "How do I feel, you are not praising me..."

The person involved appeared, and the lords praised him again.

[Announcement: Lord Ying Yinman successfully resisted the first wave of alien invasion! ]

Wei Ming sighed with emotion: "Let's not talk anymore, my snapping turtle finally crawled under the city!"

"Are Tianyin disciples really a long-range soldier?"

Ying Yinman frowned while instructing the farmers to repair the city wall.

"Your Highness, don't worry," Meng Tian smiled. "The selection of the mayor is based on who has more points, not speed."

Ying Yinman nodded, and then said energetically: "Then let him take the lead first..."

Before she could say anything, another announcement came from the battlefield channel.

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen successfully resisted the second wave of alien invasion! ]

"This guy actually used a war drum?"

Ying Yinman's eyes widened:

"This is too crazy!"

"Did he know that he was outmatched, so he broke the pot and gave up fighting for the mayor's position with me!"

Meng Tian thought for a while:

"If Your Highness wants to use the war drum, the first few waves of monsters will not have much impact!"

Ying Yinman immediately shook his head and said:

"No rush, let's build the city wall first. I won't fight for such a meaningless reputation!"

Meng Tian and Bai Cong looked at each other and saw the relief in each other's eyes.

Although His Highness sometimes has a temper.

But at a critical moment like the battle for mayor, he is still very calm.

"Don't worry, I'm measured!"

Jiang Chen closed Tushan Yueyue's chat box, his face full of helplessness.

After easily killing the second wave of attacking demons, An Chuxia, Little Fox, and even Mu Qingshuang all sent messages.

The meaning is nothing more than to tactfully persuade Jiang Chen to be more steady.

Even in the battlefield channel, the message "please ask Jiang Chen to be more stable" has become a continuous line.

Jiang Chen knew that his performance was a bit eye-catching!

Generally speaking.

Even if the previous wave of monsters didn't cause any damage, the lord would rest for a while. After all, the troops would be mentally and physically exhausted, and the city wall might be damaged!

But the problem is...

The Tower of Wrath doesn't need a rest either!

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen continued:

"Use the war drum!"

Dong dong dong——dong dong dong——

The third wave of demon monsters appeared, and the minimum level has been raised to level 10.


The output of the Tower of Wrath is already overflowing.

So this wave of demons turned into ashes while they were still a hundred meters away from the territory.

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen successfully resisted the third wave of alien invasion! ]

"Go on, use the war drum!!!"

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen...]

Half an hour later.

Jiang Chen easily destroyed the 10th wave of demons with the help of the Tower of Wrath of Heaven, and the territorial soldiers watched the excitement for half an hour.

His points have also reached 20,000, which is far above the average.

In the battlefield channel, all the lords were dumbfounded.

"Brothers, Jiang Chen will attack in 11 waves soon! Remember our high school record is only 13 waves!"

"Don't big armies need a rest?"

"Confirmed, Tianyin disciples are definitely long-range soldiers!"

The construction resources required for defense towers such as the Tower of Wrath are simply not something that small towns can produce, so no one would even think about it.

Wei Ming: "The gap between me and Boss Jiang is really huge. The 10th wave of aliens will probably be level 20!"

Mu Qingshuang: "I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the 10th wave, so I can only do my best!"

Suddenly someone said:

"Oops! Although the long-range troops are very lethal, if they are attacked by alien monsters later..."

The other lords were also shocked.

If Jiang Chen pulls the strings, then they will lose a big boss who can handle everything.

Just then a lord said:

"Everyone, brothers, I really can't hold it any longer, so retreat first!"

Wei Ming: "Oh, you just resisted three waves, right? Isn't this a big deal?"

Huang Xuan: "Three waves of monsters are only 2,000 points! If you retreat, others will have to help you carry 8,000 points!!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu We suffered heavy losses yesterday in order to capture the crystal mine. The third wave of monsters survived! If there is another wave, my brothers will be responsible for it!"

As he spoke, the lord sent a few photos.

Sure enough, all the militiamen in his territory were dead, and half of the city wall collapsed!

Although everyone is angry, they can't let people die!

Wei Ming: "Boss Jiang Chen is a long-range soldier. If there are a few more waves, he will definitely be approached. I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand a few more waves! So we need brothers to work together!"

Jiang Chen somewhat admired these guys' brainstorming abilities.

Jiang Chen: "Don't worry, it won't be a problem for me to survive another dozen waves, but brothers, you have to work hard, after all, the monsters' energy and items will be harvested a lot!"

Ying Yinman complained: "Isn't a dozen waves a problem? Why don't you fly into the sky and be side by side with the sun!"

While talking, Jiang Chen's side.

Also ushered in the 11th wave of demons.

The minimum level of this wave of little devils has reached level 22.

The main thing is.

Among this wave of monsters, a three-headed boss finally appeared.


Race: Demon race

Level: 26

Quality: Rare (☆☆)

Combat power: 112☆

Skills: [Hell Fist] [Fire Resistance]

Regardless of soldier type, hero, or wild monster, level 20 is a watershed.

Take the ordinary militia as an example:

Before level 20, the militia will increase its combat power by 2 points per level; from level 20 to level 30, the militia will increase its combat power by 4 points per level.

The upper limit of hero and unit level for 3 territories is 20.

In addition, 3 books can break through the realm and get out of the novice town, so those below level 20 are also called novice levels.

The level 22 little devil's combat power has reached 55 stars.

So this wave of attacks finally put a little pressure on Jiang Chen.

With fire resistance, the three-headed hellfire withstood the attack of the Tower of Wrath and finally reached the territory of the city.

Jiang Chen didn't want the city wall to be damaged, so he issued the order through the Lord's Heart.

"The True Inheritance of Tianyin, go to battle!"

Give an order.

Nearly 40 famous Tianyin True Successors jumped off the city wall and started fighting.

Of course, it's not so much a fight as a massacre.

Less than 5 minutes.

All enemies, including the three hellfires, were slaughtered.

[You successfully resisted the 11th wave of attacks, and the 12th wave of attacks will arrive in 10 minutes. ]

Jiang Chen also stopped using the war drum and started to fight steadily.

10 minutes later.

The 12th wave of monsters came to the city.

"Goddess Warrior, King of the Hill, Guardian of the Storm, go to battle!"

The 13th wave of monsters comes to the city:

"Dragon, go to battle!"

The 14th wave of monsters comes to the city:

"Nine Heavens Holy Lady, go to battle!"

Jiang Chen's momentum was overwhelming.

Every time a wave is resisted, bursts of cheers will be heard from the battlefield channel.

More than just battlefield channels.

The lords who were unable to participate in the battle of breaking the realm are also paying attention to the situation of breaking the realm in the regional channel.

Wei Ming posts screenshots of battlefield points to the regional channel from time to time.

Let the whole town see Jiang Chen's ferocity.


As time went by, more and more lords chose to withdraw from the battlefield.

Most lords have only survived 5 or 6 waves and have not yet reached the average level.


The empress took action herself and easily killed a level 30 mad war demon (Excellent☆☆☆☆) that followed.

[You successfully resisted the 20th wave of attacks, and the 21st wave of attacks will arrive in 10 minutes. ]

A few hours.

Countless demons have fallen in front of Jiang Chen's territory, and his personal points have exceeded 150,000.

Based on experience, epic monsters will appear in the next wave.

Jiang Chen opened the battlefield channel and first checked the total points.

Points: 991523

At this moment, there are only 19 lords left on the battlefield.

An Chuxia: "There are less than 10,000 points left, my wave will end soon! It should be stable!"

With the help of epic heroes, An Chuxia has reached 11 waves, and it seems that she still has some strength left.

Tushan Yueyue: "Yueyue is taking the last monster of the ninth wave in circles. If you wait a little longer, you can fight the tenth wave!"

Well, there is still a bug!

Huang Xuan: "Our town broke through the territory too quickly, and the soldier levels have not kept up, otherwise the process would not have been so difficult!"

Wei Ming smiled bitterly: "It's not that the big guys rushed too hard, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to break through the realm so quickly!"

An Chuxia: "Fortunately, we finally succeeded!"

[Announcement: Lord An Chuxia successfully resisted the 12th wave of alien invasion! ]

Almost at the same time.

[Announcement: Lord Ying Yinman successfully resisted the 15th wave of alien invasion! ]

The points increased sharply again, instantly exceeding the million threshold.

Breakthrough was successful.

at the same time.

Golden announcements appeared simultaneously on the battlefield channel and the town area channel.