Chapter 71 First Gathering! Qianlong Emerges From The Abyss

Ordinary city relocation orders are no better than high-level city relocation orders, and coordinates cannot be selected.

In addition, the cooling time is long, so the price is not expensive.

After using the ordinary city relocation order.

The territory will be randomly moved to another Dragon Kingdom town that is open to the outside world.


Territory migration means giving up the resource points you have already occupied.

Of course, if you are lucky, you can also get the opportunity to reopen the wasteland, and it is not impossible to even encounter high-level field military buildings.

But no matter the outcome, no one will move territory easily.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen opened the small town channel.

Wei Ming: "Oh, someone still moved away!"

Huang Xuan: "Brothers who came back this morning sent the latest information. There are more than 600 small towns in Sakura Country confirmed in our county."

Huang Xuan: "Brother Wei, are you leaving?"

Wei Ming: "What the hell, have you forgotten the evil deeds of Sakura Country in Area 632? There are dozens of small towns, and even the entertainment lords and farming lords have not been spared!!"

Wei Ming: "To be honest, I have also prepared an order to move to the city, but even if I leave, I have to have a vigorous fight with the Japanese before I leave!"

Many Sakura Kingdom lords are good at controlling ghosts and shikigami, so the Dragon Kingdom lords like to call them ghosts.

Huang Xuan: "Brother Wei is right, you can't just give up the land of a county to the Japanese for nothing!"

Maybe nothing can be seen in the short term.

But in the long run, the battlefield of all races is about resources and territory.

Giving up the resources of a county will naturally squeeze the living space of other Dragon Kingdom lords.

This is also the main reason why the royal family of the Qing Dynasty was criticized.

[Tip: Lord Wang Lanlan moved out of the town]


But what Wei Ming said seemed to make everyone think of something terrible, and more than a dozen lords moved away.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately made an announcement:

"Hello everyone, as the mayor of the town, I solemnly declare at this moment that I will never give up the territory of Qingyang County."

"Brothers who are willing to stay and advance and retreat together, I welcome them with both hands!"

"If you want to leave, I will never stop you, but please make a decision before today, because tomorrow I will close the permission to move in and out of the town. Everyone should know the cost of forced eviction."

"Whether you want to go or stay, let's make a decision as soon as possible!"

Wei Ming: "Okay! Boss Jiang said it well. Based on these words, I will follow you, boss, from now on!"

Ying Yinman: "Descendants of Xian Qin can only die in battle, and there is no desertion!"

Mu Qingshuang: "I am a soldier, every inch of mountains and rivers is worth every inch of blood!"

Tushan Yueyue: "Where is brother Jiang Chen, where is Yueyue? Although Yueyue is from the Tianhu tribe, she is also a Tianhu tribe who has entered the dragon nationality."

After a moment of silence.

Regional channels were buzzing and soon becoming polarizing.

"That's right! Don't give up an inch of ground! We will live and die with Qingyang County!"

"Although I really want to stay, my family is the eighth generation of a single family! Thank you for your understanding!"

"Does anyone have an order to move the city?"

"I have it, and I only charge you 50% of the purchasing fee!"

"Wouldn't your conscience hurt if your brothers make war fortune?"

that's all.

As time went by, people moved out of the town.

Even some of the more powerful second-generation leaders, Lin Mo and Li Muze, flew away silently without leaving a word.

Wei Ming scolded Lin Mo for several minutes on the small town channel because Lin Mo had not paid back the 100,000 spirit stones he owed him.

The golden crow sinks in the west.

There are 403 lords left in the town.

Jiang Chen didn't feel any pity at all.

Although everyone has a reason to move, taking this opportunity is also a refinement of the town lord.

"That's pretty much it!"

Jiang Chen looked at the list of lords in the town, and then used the authority of the mayor to gather a small group.

"Brothers who have built the portal, welcome to my territory as a guest."

Tushan Yueyue: "Where are the sisters?"


In Jiang Chen's territory.

The Fountain of Life, Zuixian Tower, Tianyin Pavilion, Lighthouse and other buildings that were too eye-catching were all sent to the deep space of the territory by Jiang Chen.

Even the rich spiritual energy from the outside was sent by Jiang Chen into the space where Tianyin Pavilion and Zuixian Pavilion were located.

So except for some Tianyin disciples who are more conspicuous, Jiang Chen's territory looks like an ordinary third-level territory at this moment.

Six lords, Ying Yinman, An Chuxia, Wei Ming, Tushan Yueyue, Mu Qingshuang, and Huang Xuan, plus Jiang Chen, were sitting around a round table in the center of the territory.

The round table is filled with delicacies, most of which are seafood.

Of course, in order to avoid shocking the world, Jiang Chen only provides a few epic-quality delicacies, and the rest are of excellent quality.

Just like that, everyone's jaw dropped.

Even Ying Yinman looked surprised.

Although the strength of the seven people varies, they are considered the strongest fighting force in the town.

Huang Xuan had made a desperate move to get 10th place in the military strength list. The reward chest actually revealed a team of outstanding military units [Shadow Knights], barely joining the ranks of the "strong".

Tushan Yueyue is about 1.5 meters tall. In her own words, she is considered "tall" among the Tianhu tribe.

The little fox has a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her delicate little face. If it weren't for the big fluffy ears, she would have the temperament of a working woman.


She was sitting next to Jiang Chen, with a similarly fluffy big tail waving rapidly.

This is a sign of excitement for the Sky Fox clan.

"Yum! So delicious!"

The little fox's mouth was full of oil:

"It would be better if it comes with chicken!"

Huang Xuan came from a small family. It was his first time to attend a gathering of this size. He seemed a little nervous and said cautiously:

"It's better if these guys move away, then the resource points occupied by other lords in the town will be doubled, and the monster resources will be more abundant!"

Wei Ming sighed: "But what about the various small town ranking matches in the future? We only have half the number of people, so we are at a huge disadvantage!"

"Jiang Chen can hold up half the sky!" Tushan Yueyue swallowed the fish in her mouth; "With brother Jiang Chen here, I am not afraid of any qualifying competition!"

Although the little fox was right, Jiang Chen still gave her a large piece of fish.

"If you can't speak, eat more!"

What does it mean that Jiang Chen can hold up half the sky?

Wei Ming explained patiently: "The small town ranking test tests the comprehensive strength of a small town. Just like the past battle to break the territory, no matter how strong Boss Jiang and Boss Yingyinman are, they can only clear a few points by themselves. With 100,000 points, it's impossible to get the ranking in the small town qualifying competition on your own!"

Jiang Chen was helpless.

You can't say that you have earned more than 3 million points by yourself.

There is no way to explain it. On the one hand, it is not good to leak the news in advance!

After winning first place, let them figure it out on their own!

Anyway, these guys should be familiar with the road.

Ying Yinman nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem, but with Jiang Chen's current reputation, it is not difficult to recruit some people as long as an announcement is made within the Dragon Kingdom."

After saying that, he glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Although the high-level city relocation order is expensive, it is nothing to the second generation of some big families!"

Jiang Chen originally thought that as Ying Yinman, he would at least bring Meng Tian with him for protection this time.

But he didn't expect that she would come alone.

This made Jiang Chen look at her with admiration again.

"When it comes to recruiting people, think about it in the long term!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said:

"This time I call everyone here. In addition to meeting everyone, there are two other things."

"First, the town is named after 'Long Yuan', which means 'a hidden dragon emerges from the abyss and soars into the sky.' I would like to ask for your suggestions."

"Second, it's a small town official position!"

Although other official positions in the town are not as large as the mayor's bonus, there are also small individual increases.

Ying Yinman said directly:

"I don't have any objection to the name, but I don't want the official position!"

Jiang Chen was not surprised at all.

"Are you going to move away?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Ying Yinman asked curiously: "How did you guess it?"

Jiang Chen gently uttered three words: "Hero position!"

"You are smart!"

Ying Yinman took out a high-level city relocation order and gestured:

"I don't have to give up any other increase, but I can't give up the +1 increase in hero status, so I can only go to other towns to become the mayor!"

"But don't worry, everyone, there happen to be several descendants of the traitor Xu Fu in Qingyang Town, so I won't leave?"

"We will all fight side by side in the future!"

An Chuxia was a little reluctant: "So, has Sister Ying chosen which town to go to?"

"Okay, it's 10,000! It just so happens that there are some lords descended from Xian Qin in that town!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled and said:

"Then I wish you a safe journey, boss!"

"As for the official positions, I will divide them up. Wei Ming will be appointed as the town's sheriff..."

After passing several official positions, Jiang Chen continued.

"From now on, everyone will have to worry about town management!"

An Chuxia said speechlessly: "I feel like you want to be the hands-off shopkeeper!"

Jiang Chen: "Be more confident and remove the word 'like'."


Jiang Chen's expression changed, then he smiled and said:

"The second town has broken through!"

In the county channel.

[Tip: Town 10148 has completed its territory breaking. ]

[Tip: All lords of town 10148 join the county channel. ]