Chapter 73 Eighty-Nine Mysterious Techniques! Outland! Build Any Door!

Hearing what Yamamoto Shiroku said, Takeda Makoto quickly apologized:

"Please don't blame Mr. Yamamoto if you don't hesitate to speak in the next moment!"

The other two Dragon Country towns were also confused.

Xia Wushang: "Which big boss suppressed me? If you dare to suppress me like this, is there really some inside information?"

Ying Yinman immediately took over the matter and said, "Don't! There is no inside story. This was done by me. I did it wrong!"

She also doesn't want these people to blindly follow the trend and lose money.

Ye Yiren: "So that's it. Sister Winner, please don't make the wrong move again. This is giving money to the little devil."

Seeing that the two believed it, Ying Yinman breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Takeda Shinichi: "Baga! I've tolerated you, China woman, for a long time, and you dare to speak rudely again! Don't blame me for using a crusade order against you!"

Ye Yiren: "Young devil Mader, I've given you some face, haven't you? If you have the guts, use the crusade order now!"

Jiang Chen laughed dumbly.

The two mayors, Ye Yi and Xia Wushang, were both bad-tempered.

After a short interlude, the party ended happily.

At least Jiang Chen was happy.

Before leaving.

Jiang Chen sent a batch of Zuixianlou delicacies to everyone.

"I only have so many local products in my territory, so let's just pay everyone's salary!"

In fact, what Jiang Chen brought out was a working meal for Tianyin disciples, a big pot of rice.

After all, the next battle for the county seat will require the efforts of everyone.

Although these delicacies have little effect on Tianyin disciples.

But for sophisticated and even rare units, the attributes can be improved in small amounts!

Wei Ming was immediately moved and clapped his chest loudly: "Boss, don't worry, I will go through fire and water, and I will definitely do a good job in public security in the territory."

Huang Xuan only felt like he was in a dream: "Thank you, Boss Jiang...Thank you, Boss Jiang..."

Mu Qingshuang took a deep breath: "I am just a lieutenant and not qualified to represent the Jiangnan Military Region, so I can only thank you as a soldier!"

"You guys are serious."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and took out the epic spear that the empress fired before the deep sea bait.

"The treasure chest was opened before. Are you interested in it, Mr. Ying Yinman?"

Jiang Chen told the truth.

"Epic equipment [Dragon Beard Spear]!" Ying Yinman's eyes lit up, "It's a pity that the level is a little lower. It would be better if it was level 20! How about 5 million spiritual stones?"

Her armor-piercing army is the spearmen!

Jiang Chen was very satisfied with the price.

Both parties happily concluded the transaction.

In fact, Jiang Chen still has a few epic equipments obtained in the battle of breaking the realm.

However, the levels are all above level 30, so no one can use them at this stage.

The light from the portal shrank one after another.

Jiang Chen watched the six people disappear.

late at night.

Jiang Chen sat on the bed in the Lord's Mansion and drank today's [Life Essence] in one gulp.

Suddenly, my whole body was clear and the spiritual stage was clear.

He expected that after drinking two more bottles, his qualifications would be upgraded to B level, and his attributes would increase sharply again.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen took out a secret book.

[Iron Cloth Shirt] (+): E and body-refining techniques, if practiced to the transformation state, can become copper skin and iron bones.

It was one of the exercises that I purchased from the Tian family caravan.

Although Kung Fu can add additional attributes, it is not as direct as upgrading or wearing equipment.

Even the improvement in combat power is not as immediate as skills.

In addition, Jiang Chen didn't need to fight in person, so he never chose a technique for himself.

But now that he has completed breaking through the realm, he has entered a more magnificent world, and is about to start a war with the lord of Sakura Country.

Jiang Chen believes that it is necessary to enhance his self-protection ability.

How to enhance self-protection ability?

Naturally, he has no brains and a lot of body!

This time I won 110 million spiritual stones from Ying Yinman.

Although building the Fountain of Life and other messy things consumed most of it, Jiang Chen still had nearly 30 million spiritual stones in his hand.

And he had already chosen the target for strengthening.

"Consume 20 million spirit stones and choose the strengthening direction ⑧⑧, Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills·Part 1."

The golden light dispersed, and a jade book appeared in Jiang Chen's hand.

[Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques·Part 1] (Level A): From the second heaven to explain and protect the gods, it is the supreme body-training technique of all races.

[Reminder]: This exercise is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. If you practice it to the state of transformation, you can practice the heavens and the earth, and your body can become holy. However, this exercise cannot be practiced together with other exercises, and its progress is slow. It cannot be practiced by those who do not have great perseverance, great wisdom, and great luck. Cultivation is risky, so be cautious when starting.

Jiang Chen has naturally heard of the famous Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques.

"Only the upper part reaches A-level skills, so the middle part must be S-level, which is the sacred level; and the upper part may have surpassed the sacred and reached eternity!"

As for the warning of "great perseverance, great wisdom, and great luck", Jiang Chen didn't consider it at all.

Do you still have to worry about this?


The jade book disappears.

[The Yin number is eight, the Yang number is nine, and the multiplication of eight and nine is the largest number in Taoism...]

A mysterious magic formula was firmly imprinted in Jiang Chen's mind.


Jiang Chen felt that his body was strengthening towards an incredible level and couldn't help but let out a groan.

1 minute later.

[Tip: The upper part of your Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills has reached the entry level. ]

"So hungry!"

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was prepared.

He took out several pieces of legendary meat and gulped down the water of life.

"Phew, I feel much more comfortable!"

After eating the meat for five people, Jiang Chen burped and then looked at his attributes.

[Jiang Chen]

[Level]: Level 10

[Attributes]: Physique 248 (+300), Spiritual Power 198, Soul 142 (+100), Carrying 221.

[Kung Fu]: Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills·Upper Part·Introduction (Level A)

[Skills]: None

[Equipment]: Ghost Armor

[Combat Power Rating]: 265☆


Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

The entry-level Eight-nine Mysterious Skill actually increases physical strength by 300 points.

You know, he's only level 10.

Judging from his attributes alone, he can definitely tear apart a giant dragon of the same level with his hands.

Angel Yan's [Holy Body] is also an A-level skill, but it has +100 points for all attributes.

In comparison, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, which specializes in physical training, are naturally superior.

And that's just the top.

With such a perverted effect, Jiang Chen had the urge to make a stronger copy and give it to the empress.

That way, all Tianyin disciples can get started instantly and their combat power will be doubled!


After seeing the [Ninth Set of Broadcast Gymnastics] that was originally at the Xiaocheng level in his own skills column, he disappeared.

Jiang Chen immediately gave up the idea.

He finally understood the meaning of "incompatible with other techniques".

"Although the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique is powerful, its progress is slow, and the resources required are astronomical, and I can't afford them!"

"If Tianyin disciples study, I'm afraid they won't be able to make any further progress in their lifetime, which means this unit will be useless!"

Jiang Chen, who had obtained the new skill, felt like he had obtained a treasure.

Immediately start practicing according to the general outline of Xuan Gong.

A few minutes later.

The sound of even breathing came from the bedroom.

The next day.

Jiang Chen got up early and felt refreshed.

I couldn't help but sigh:

"This Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques is truly wonderful..."

The first thing I do when I get up is naturally check the county channel status.

Overnight, the number of small towns that broke the territory increased to 11.

Except for the two Sakura Country towns last night, all the others were Dragon Country towns.

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

This is definitely an order from the senior officials of Sakura Country to delay the formation of all small towns to buy more time for the seed towns to compete in the small town rankings.

As for the two who broke through the territory last night, they were probably the ones who entered the county first to collect intelligence under the instruction of Sakura senior officials.


No matter how the Sakura Kingdom makes overall arrangements, it is just fighting for second place.

The only impact on Jiang Chen was to delay his winning of the bet for a few days.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen checked out the mayor's exclusive building [Any Door] that was built last night.

"Upgrade, directly to level 3!"

[Any door](Level 3)

Function ①: Consume spiritual stones to open any door between any two coordinates in the town and within 300 kilometers of the town. Up to 4 arbitrary doors can exist at the same time.

Function ②: Any door can exist permanently, but maintaining any door requires the consumption of spiritual stones.

Function ③: The size of any door can be adjusted. The larger the door, the more spiritual stones will be consumed.

Function ②: The mayor can share any door with other lords of the town or his own heroes.

Any door is also one of the mayor's privileges.

Level 3 arbitrary gate, the range extends to 300 kilometers outside the town map.

Jiang Chen left a random door for his own exclusive use.

The other three lanes are set to be shared by the town.

[Tip]: Mayor Jiang Chen shared [Any Door] [Any Door] [Any Door] (click to use).

After a moment of calm, the regional channel was filled with joy.

"Holy crap, 3 random doors, the mayor is so awesome!!!"

"The portal in my territory hasn't been built yet, but the boss has already built any portal?"

Wei Ming: "Three arbitrary doors!!! This means that the boss has at least upgraded the arbitrary doors to level 2. How many empty crystals are needed?"

"If those deserters yesterday knew that the boss built the Anyimen Gate so quickly, they would definitely regret it now!"

"Wow, wow, I took a look and it turned out to be shared at a fair price. Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"

"Brothers who have finished using it, release it quickly. Don't keep it occupied, which will affect other brothers' use!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled slightly and closed the small town channel.

With any door.

Lords can instantly reach the leveling point they want to go to, which greatly saves time.

Jiang Chen also opened the topographic map that came with any door and took a closer look.

Soon, Jiang Chen chose a good purpose and said softly:

"Generate any door with a height of 5 meters!"

[Tip: The two coordinates you selected are 400 kilometers apart and consume 4,000 spirit stones. Each 1 minute of duration consumes 400 spirit stones. Are you sure? ]

4,000 spirit stones can be said to be cheap for Jiang Chen.

This is because of the long distance and the large portal.


"Do not remind again!"


A 5-meter-high random door unfolds in the center of the territorial square.

Through any door, you can see the endless grassland on the opposite side.

Jiang Chen was slightly excited and said with high spirits:

"The Empress, Yan, Hanyi, all the giant dragons, the goddess warriors, the Nine Heavens Saint Princess, the True Successor of Tianyin... are leaving. This lord will take you to the outside world!"