Chapter 79 First Place! I've Never Heard Of Anything So Outrageous!

Jiang Chen was already a little excited.

Who knew this guy would suddenly say something like this.

This bridge is finally closed.

Tushan Yueyue sympathized: "Brother Wei, please wish yourself well!"

Wei Ming was confused: "What's wrong? Is it not politically correct for me to scold the little devil?"

Tushan Yueyue: "You really don't feel a chill on your back?"

Wei Ming: "It's weird! Yueyue, you think you have a point when you say that!"

Seeing everyone in the Dragon Kingdom united and sharing the same hatred, the lords of the Sakura Kingdom felt a little sad.

"Damn it, even though the Dragon Kingdom was completely defeated, why does it feel like they won the battle?"

"Hmph, it's just fun in suffering. If momentum is useful, why do you need strength?"

"Baga, people from the Dragon Kingdom, listen, cry to me, and then beg our Great Sakura Empire to show mercy. This is what you should do now!"

Kannaba Yuichi has regained his sanity:

"One of the top two must be Hojo Town!"

"And your Excellency, the mayor of another town, we all belong to the Sakura Country, so there is no need to hide your head and show your tail anymore!"

Hojo Mai: "Kamipachi-dono is right. After all, we will continue to cooperate sincerely in the future."


There was silence.

The lord of Youlong Kingdom suddenly said in a hopeful tone:

"It can't's our Dragon Kingdom town!"

This guess came out.

Not only was he ridiculed by the lord of Sakura Country.

Even the lords of the Dragon Kingdom shook their heads.

Someone sighed:

"Hey, if Longyuan Town hadn't broken through so early, it would have been possible!"

at this time.

Second place announced.

[Second place in the total points in the Battle of Territory Breaking, Hojo Town, will reward the mayor of the town, Mai Hojo, with +30 in all attributes and +3 in the town's luck. ]

Now Hojo Mai couldn't calm down anymore: "Who is it, Your Excellency? We are all lords of Sakura Country, why are you teasing us like this?"

Although the reward for second place is not bad.

But she put 30 million spiritual stones on herself.

Jiang Chen said leisurely: "Do you know why no one answered you? Because the first place is our Dragon Country town - Longyuan Town!"

Winning the first place is already certain, Jiang Chen no longer has any worries.

However, Hojo Mai was exasperated: "Haha, I thought Jiang Chen, who created his own outstanding military force, was some kind of extraordinary person? It turns out he is just a fanatic who overestimates his own capabilities!"

Kannapachi Yuichi: "I think you've lost your mind and gone crazy! Haha, as far as I know, Longyuan Town barely managed to get 1 million points."

Jiang Chen was no longer surprised that Yuichi Kannaya knew this detail.

When the breaking points exceeded 1 million, there were still 19 lords left on the battlefield, and the dragon traitor Wang Zhenghao was one of them.


No one knows what happened after that.

Yamamoto 46: "Haha, I once said that even if Longyuan Town can enter the top ten without being ranked first, I will commit suicide immediately!"

Takeda Shinichi: "Yamamoto-kun did say that, and I can testify to this!"

Yamamoto Shiroku: "Thank you Takeda-kun!"

As soon as this statement came out.

It immediately attracted praises from many Sakura Lords.

Jiang Chen's words just now also caused an awkward silence in the Longyuan Town channel.

After a long time.

Wei Ming: "'ve boasted so much, it's hard for us to help you come back!"

The most excited one is the little fox.

"Brother Jiang Chen is great!"

She was still a little doubtful.


Ying Yinman, who seldom bubbles up, suddenly popped up a word on the county channel.


Jiang Chen almost spit out the water of life he just drank.

"This girl must have seen the bet placed by Longyuan Town."

"Based on what I know about her, she knows me very well, so she can naturally guess that it was me who placed the bet!"

An Chuxia said in surprise: "Although Sister Ying has always been heroic, this is the first time I've seen her swear. What happened?"

Tushan Yueyue reminded me again: "Yueyue has said it before. Everyone has time to take a look at the betting board."


Wei Ming: "Holy crap! Who pledged our 1 million spiritual stones in Longyuan Town?"

Wei Ming: "That's wrong, it's 990,000. Yueyue pledged 10,000 before!"

Huang Xuan: "Oh my god, it couldn't have been the boss who pressured me..."

Everyone was in disbelief.

Mu Qingshuang said excitedly: "Do you remember that when we exited that day, Mayor Jiang Chen, Miss Ying and Chu Xia were still playing. Could it be that the three of them had accumulated millions of points together?"

Jiang Chen's expression instantly became extremely weird.

However, that seems to be correct.

The combined wealth of Ying Yinman and I might exceed 10 billion!

And Mu Qingshuang's words.

A hint of unrealistic expectations flashed in the eyes of everyone in the town.

Is it true?

Just relying on the strength of three people, they rose to the first place?

Wei Ming suddenly became excited, remembered what he had just said, and quickly made amends:

"Boss, my 1,000 spiritual stones should be treated as a tribute to you, old man!"

What they don't know is.

An Chuxia, one of the "threesome", was also confused.

She was reckless 14 times.

Judging from the time, Ying Yinman should be around 25 waves.

That is to say.

If it is true, then Jiang Chen alone has earned at least nearly 2 million points.

Can be followed immediately.

An Chuxia thought again of the fighting power Long Jiu had shown in the past few days...

It seems that it is not so difficult to accept!

After all, I have never heard of a new lord clearing 30 waves of monsters in the battle of breaking the realm!

No one knows how many points the monsters after 30 waves have.

In An Chuxia's territory.

"This is so f**king outrageous. You opened the door for me. It's outrageous!"

An Luoxi was enjoying the food sent by Jiang Chen while watching the small town qualifying competition.

After hearing her daughter muttering to herself, she frowned and said:

"No swearing!"

"Also, what did you say was outrageous?"

An Luoxi's territory has been developing for more than 20 years.

In addition to daily leveling, any major actions are taken in months.

So I often used the third-level administrator rights to visit my daughter.

An Chuxia hesitated for a moment:

"Our town...may be number one!"

"First place?"

An Luoxi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"Absolutely impossible!"

"According to your previous description, if Longyuan Town wants to get first place, Jiang Chen needs to earn at least 2 million points by himself."

"I've never heard of anything so outrageous!"

At this time.

The sky was filled with golden light.

[The first place in total points in the Battle of Territory Breaking, Longyuan Town, will be rewarded with +50 in all attributes of the town leader Jiang Chen and +5 in the town's luck. ]

The first place is very impressive.

Dozens of large gilded characters illuminated half of the night sky.

An Chuxia was the first to recover because she was mentally prepared.

Then he spread his hands to the stunned An Luoxi:

"So, it's really outrageous!"

Before An Luoxi could say anything.


An Chuxia suddenly took a breath of air:

"Is this the blessing effect of the small town's luck? It's so scary!!"