Chapter 81 Who Just Said That He Was Going To Commit Seppuku?

[Effect ④]: Increase the explosion rate of all lords, heroes, and units in the town by 10%; when opening the treasure chest, the chance of triggering "Good Luck" is doubled.


Jiang Chen simply couldn't suppress the joy on his face.

He still remembers that when he won the first place on the ranking list, everyone speculated whether the lord talent [Green Waters and Green Mountains] had the hidden attribute to improve luck.

I guess these guys were mostly joking at that time.

Unexpectedly, it has come true now.

However, you need to upgrade your talent to level B or above and obtain small town luck.

What Dragon Veins increases is the explosion rate of all units in the territory.

In other words, it is not only effective in the town, but also in the outside world.

This is much better than the luck of a small town.

The original chance of good luck was one in 10,000, but now it has increased to 2 in 10,000. It seems that the improvement is not big.

But Dragon Vein is only low-grade, and its evolution level is only 5%.

5 points of luck, 5% evolution.

So with 100 points of luck, does it mean that the evolution level is 100%, and then it is upgraded to a middle-grade dragon vein?

It's a pity that Jiang Chen, a top student, has never dabbled in this kind of high-end knowledge.

"No matter what, I need more small-town luck!"

Jiang Chen's thoughts changed rapidly:

"Currently, there are two main ways to obtain the luck of a town. The first is the heavenly reward in the town ranking match, and the second is the plunder of luck..."


If you want to plunder luck, it seems that currently only the [Qi Luck Gambling Order] can be achieved.

This is high-end stuff.

It has been almost 10 days since the district was opened, and not a single area in the entire town has been exposed.

"It's too early to think about this now!"

"Let's take a look at this harvest first!"

He pulled out the reminder from the exchange he had just made.

[Tip: You bet on the first place in the small town qualifying match (field-breaking points). Your bet amount was 990,000, accounting for 99% of the winning amount, and you won 238 million spirit stones. ]

With nearly 240 million spiritual stones, it is impossible for Jiang Chen not to be excited.

Most of these spiritual stones came from the lords of Sakura Kingdom.

Because the bet placed by Yanming Town was only over 16 million.

So Jiang Chenhua felt at ease.


If a Dragon Kingdom lord secretly captured Sakura Town, Jiang Chen could only say that he deserved it.


Souls of arms, buildings, skill books, exercise books... there are too many places that require spiritual stones.

Still have to think about it carefully.


The little fox sent a message.

Tushan Yueyue: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuancyuuuuuuuuuuuuuntnntuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusha for you."

Jiang Chen almost laughed out loud.

However, he still asked curiously: "You still have so little money to win sister?"

Tushan Yueyue: "She said she is not short of such a small amount of money, but this is the money she got from gambling from the lord of Sakura Country, so she can spend it as much as she wants..."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Yanming Town.


"What a pleasure..."

"Cough cough cough..."

I thought Sakura Country would steal the show this time.

But I didn't expect the twists and turns!

Longyuan Town, the most unlikely place, suddenly came out and won the first place.

Zhu Yeqing laughed out loud again.

The emotional ups and downs also made him cough violently again.

He was so frightened that he quickly calmed down and used the secret techniques taught by the Ming royal family to suppress his injuries.


Zhu Yeqing took a deep breath:

"With the power of three people, we will hit the top spot!"

"He is indeed a peerless genius who created his own outstanding military force!"

"As expected of the winner of Xian Qin!"

"Even Lord An Chuxia must have something extraordinary!"

"With such allies, our dragon country's chances of winning in Qingyang County are greatly increased, but..."

Zhu Yeqing sighed:

"After destroying the little devil, these few will also be my biggest enemies in the fight for the position of county magistrate!"

Didi didi——

The video request prompt sounded.

Zhu Yeqing opened it and was stunned.

"Jiang Chen?"

Is this guy coming to me now to show off his power?


From a short observation, Jiang Chen should not be that kind of person.

After connecting to the video, Zhu Yeqing cheered up and said politely:

"Congratulations to Brother Jiang Chen for winning first place. Your luck will increase from now on."

"I heard about Brother Jiang Chen's name before we broke through the territory, and today I saw that he is indeed well-deserved."

Jiang Chen looked at Zhu Yeqing for a moment and sighed:

"It seems that what the brother just said was true. Brother Zhu was indeed seriously injured!"

Zhu Yeqing's smile froze: "Brother Jiang is looking for me, aren't you just here to see a joke?"

"Of course not!" Jiang Chen smiled and said straight to the point, "I just happened to get a bottle of healing holy medicine during the Battle of the Realm Breaking. Brother Zhu, see if you are interested?"

[Tip: Lord Jiang Chen mailed you "Water of Life"*1. ]

Out of admiration for Zhu Yeqing, Jiang Chen didn't even send the illustrated book first, but directly mailed the actual object.

water of life?

Zhu Yeqing was stunned.

This name is somewhat familiar!

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened, and he immediately opened the exchange and took out an emerald green crystal bottle.

"It is really the water of life... let alone now, even if it is placed in the zone a year later, it will still be a treasure among treasures!"

For lords and heroes at this stage, a portion of water of life is enough to "full blood and mana".

Zhu Yeqing spent a lot of effort to calm down, cupped his hands and said:

"This is indeed a life-saving medicine for me. I am willing to pay 10 million spiritual stones!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Brother Zhu is so awesome!"

After all, it is only a one-time consumption item. At this stage, 10 million spirit stones is still a high price.

Of course, under normal circumstances.

Unless he was too poor to open the pot, Jiang Chen wouldn't sell a slightly "superb" item like the water of life.

Because selling too much can easily arouse suspicion from others.

But Zhu Yeqing fought tooth and nail to win third place, which was considered a win for the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition, with this guy in front, he can share Sakura Country's attention for him.

Jiang Chen then decided to make an exception.

"Thank you brother Jiang Chen!"

After the transaction was completed, Zhu Yeqing took a deep breath:

"But I made a promise in advance that I will not give in in the battle for the county seat in the future!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said:

"It should be like this, we have one code at a time!"

After hanging up the video.

Zhu Yeqing struggled for a long time, but in the end he was reluctant to drink it.

"With the help of the royal elixir, my injury can be healed in a few days!"

"And this bottle of water of life is enough for me to activate the third star of [Seven Star Life Point] without dying. I can save it for use next time when I encounter a strong enemy."

It's a pity that Jiang Chen doesn't know.

Otherwise, you will definitely lament that this guy is really a hard-working Saburo.

Some people are happy and some are sad!

The lord of Sakura Country was in mourning and didn't even want to believe it.

"My God, Amaterasu, this is not true!"

"Tiandao must be joking, right?"

"That's right! Tiandao is very humane, so it's not weird for him to make a joke on us!"

The top ten mayors of Sakura Country, including Mai Hojo, Yuichi Kannapachi, and Sora Muto, all fell silent one by one!

At this time.

Huang Xuan suddenly said: "Who said you were going to commit seppuku just now?"


As soon as this statement came out.

All the lords of the Sakura Kingdom were silenced.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but praise: "You are a qualified diplomat!"

Receiving Jiang Chen's praise, Huang Xuan seemed to be in a state of excitement: "I remember someone else came forward to prove it, right, Takeda Shinichi?"

Takeda Shinichi: "Baga, this matter has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything!"

Huang Xuan: "{Screenshot} (click to view), is this what Gou said?"


This guy was unreasonable and unforgiving, which made the Lord of Dragon Kingdom feel very happy.

Xia Wushang: "Hahaha, Brother Huang did a great job, Yamamoto Forty-six, please come out, where is your bushido spirit?"

Ye Yiren hit the nail on the head: "Kowtow to the strong and be cruel to the weak. This is their bushido spirit!"

This time.

Even the lord of Sakura Country couldn't stand it anymore.

Kanzaki Yuichi: "Yamamoto-kun, I hope you will not tarnish the honor of my Great Sakura Empire!"
