Chapter 83 Reputation Exchange! Initiate A Luck Bet!

The Prestige Hall is a 10-meter-high, hundreds-of-square-meter building that is entirely white.

After Jiang Chen walked out of any door, he discovered that not only An Chuxia, but also Little Fox, Wei Ming, and even Ying Yinman were back.

"Haha, he's quite a good person!"

"Brother Jiang Chen is here too!"

Seeing Jiang Chen appear from any door, the little fox looked happy and then said:

"Didn't you exchange all your reputation for fine treasure chests?"

That was just a beautiful misunderstanding.

Jiang Chen smiled and said:

"There's some left!"

Then he said to Ying Yinman: "The boss is also here to use the building?"

"It's strange. Why do I feel that any good thing can happen to Chu Xia?" Ying Yinman complained, and then said, "Although my reputation is not as great as yours, since I have encountered it, I just came to see it. look."

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Welcome to come home often, boss!"

Ying Yinman instantly burst out with a heartfelt smile: "If it weren't for the third hero, I wouldn't be able to leave you all!"

After a brief chat, Jiang Chen immediately opened the exchange list of the Hall of Reputation.

[1]Spiritual stone: 100 for each point of reputation. Inventory: Unlimited.

[2]Mid-grade spiritual stone: exchange 1 for each point of reputation. Stock: Unlimited

[3]Exquisite treasure chest: exchange 1 for each point of reputation. Stock: 1000.


The hall of legends is filled with thousands of people and faces.

And each person has an exclusive redemption list.

The only similarity is that the exchange lists are very rich, at least far more than the caravans that Jiang Chen triggered before!

Jiang Chen quickly turned the pages, and a smile slowly appeared in his eyes.

[112]Wheat seeds: exchange for 10 bags per reputation point. Stock: 100.

[113]Pumpkin seeds: exchange for 10 bags per reputation point. Stock: 100.

Seeds of dozens of grains, vegetables and fruits.

It's very cheap anyway.

Jiang Chen exchanged some of each.

[235] Forbidden Scroll (Exquisite): Exchange 1 for every 10 points of reputation. Inventory: 10.

[236]Space Forbidden Scroll (Exquisite): Exchange 1 for every 10 reputation points. Inventory: 10.

This is a two-piece set for killing and selling goods on the battlefield of all races, and is the favorite of the Blood Lord.

Jiang Chen naturally won them all.

Of course, there are higher-quality scrolls, but Jiang Chen has enhanced functions, so there is no need to choose high-quality scrolls if there are low-quality scrolls.

Immediately afterwards.

[278]: High-voltage power grid (drawing): exchange for 1 piece for every 10 reputations. Inventory, 100.

[308]: Tower of Spirit (drawing): exchange for 1 piece for every 50 reputation points. Inventory, 10.

It's also pretty good stuff.

Mainly the enhancement list is good.


Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

[588]: Luck Gambling Order: Redeem one for every 300 reputation points. Inventory: 2.

Yesterday I was still thinking about how to plunder luck.

Today I broke into the Hall of Reputation.

Although they were a little expensive, Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and still took them all.

Anyway, this thing will be useful in the future.

"Ah, Legend·Hero's Soul... 10,000 reputation points, why don't you grab it?"

Ying Yinman suddenly exclaimed, and then resolutely closed the exchange list:

"I want to accumulate reputation. If I accumulate enough, I can let Sister Meng advance to Legend!"

When Jiang Chen and others were exchanging money with great interest.

In a private room full of cherry blossom style.

In addition to the four members of Kamiyayu First Class, there are also three girls from Sakura Country.

The three women looked exactly the same, and one of them was Mai Hojo.

Kamibayu said in a deep voice:

"So it turns out that the three Hojo ladies were bound and born using the secret technique of blood. I am convinced by my defeat."

Hojo Mai smiled reservedly and said: "His Majesty Shenpachi invited me to come, but have you ever found out the details of Longyuan Town?"

"Something interesting!"

Kamiba Yuichi solemnly said:

"There is a dwarf palace in Longyuan Town, which is currently owned by An Chuxia."

"The epic military building dwarf palace?"

The three Hojo sisters looked at each other and could see the disbelief in each other's eyes:

"How come a wild building of this level appears in a novice town?"

"If the three of you knew that the King of the Hill could be recruited in that dwarf palace, I'm afraid they would be even more shocked!"


Kamiba Yuichi pops up a picture.

"King of the Hill!" Hojo Mai almost jumped up and said excitedly, "Quick! We will gather an army to massacre Longyuan Town, and then the two of us will share this dwarf palace!"

Kannaya Yuichi sighed:

"Longyuan Town is too far away from us, and the current level of any gate is far from enough."

"And Longyuan Town is very powerful. Unless we gather several powerful towns together to use [War Letter], even if we win, it will be a miserable victory!"

"It's not worth losing your vitality for a mere Longyuan Town."

Hojo Mai frowned: "But the luck of the town will increase the output of field military buildings. The longer it takes, the greater the advantage of Longyuan Town will be!"

"That's what I want to say today!"

Saying that, Kamibayu smiled and took out a golden token with auspicious patterns such as dragon, unicorn, and phoenix engraved on it.

"Luck gambling order?" A trace of greed flashed in Hojo Mai's eyes, "His Majesty Shenpachi makes a price, I want this token!"

If she obtains this luck gambling order, she can plunder luck from Longyuan Town.

As for failure?


Luck gambling is a competition between small towns, not a battle of one person.

She was not sure if she could deal with Zhu Yeqing's Yanming Town.

But according to their intelligence, most of the lords of Longyuan Town have fled, with only more than 400 people left.

1,000 people versus 400 people. Even if the three sisters don't take action, they can't see any reason for failure.

Kamiba Yuichi smiled and said:

"Hojo Town already has 3 points of luck, but I, Shenpachi Town, only have 1 point. So this time, Miss Hojo should give it to me, hahaha..."

Kami Yayu laughed and said:

"Start the fortune bet and choose Longyuan Town!"

The token turned into a golden light and shot into the sky.

One end of the golden light turned into an inverted golden bowl, covering the entire town, while the other end flew towards the east.

Hojo Mai's expression darkened.

It turns out that they were specially invited to come here this time. Discussing important matters is secondary, and showing off is the main thing.

What a bastard!


Being able to plunder luck from the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, he really succeeded this time!

Although Hojo Mai was unwilling to accept it, she couldn't help but be jealous of Yuichi Kamiba's good luck.

[There are still 10 minutes left for the Reputation Hall to exist, countdown: 00:09:59]

Several people who looked at the redemption list received prompts at the same time.

The little fox complained softly: "Why so fast?"

"Haha!" Jiang Chen chuckled and said without looking back: "Does speed affect you? It sounds like how much reputation you have?"

The little fox's face turned red with anger.

An Chuxia rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen: "Why do you like to bully Yueyue just like Sister Ying?"

The little fox rolled his eyes and said softly: "Brother Jiang Chen, if you continue to be such a straight man, you will soon find eight boyfriends."

Jiang Chen's expression froze.

This little fox has a very poisonous mouth.

at this time.

Wei Ming pointed to the sky and asked doubtfully: "What is that?"

Everyone looked up.

I saw a golden light appearing in the western sky.

One second it was only as big as the mouth of a bowl, and the next second it was the size of a basin.

An Chuxia looked horrified: "No, this is..."

Jiang Chen continued: "Luck bet!"


An Chuxia was panicked.

Different from the Battle of the Territory Breaking, there are only 400 people in Longyuan Town now.

And Jiang Chen was pleasantly surprised.

I didn't expect that someone would come to send me luck so soon.

If it was him who initiated it, there's really no guarantee of a sure win.

But as the passive party, he has the right to choose the gambling subjects.


The golden light is like an inverted golden bowl, covering Longyuan Town, and the tail of the golden light is connected to the distant Shenba Town.

At the same time, a line of golden characters appeared in the sky.

[Shenba Town launches a luck bet against Longyuan Town. ]

[This luck betting was initiated by Shenba Town, and Longyuan Town selected the betting subjects. ]

[Current optional subjects: military strength, agricultural index, resource acquisition. ]

[Selection countdown: 00:09:59]

Look at the three options for luck betting.

Jiang Chen knew that this wave was stable.