Chapter 105 Feeling Despair! Recruit Angels!

"There is another way!"

An Chuxia suddenly said:

"That is to overload the [Dwarf Mine]. Although it may cause the secret realm to collapse early, it is better than affecting everyone's upgrades!"

Mu Qingshuang said distressedly: "This is a precious secret realm! Not only is it rich in high-level resources, it also has a lot of energy."

An Chuxia looked confused: "Precious?"

When everyone was expressing their opinions, Jiang Chen suddenly said:

"I'll think about this and give you an answer later!"

Everyone shut up instantly.

No matter what decision Jiang Chen makes, they will fully support it.

After several people left.

Jiang Chen waved his hand to mark out a deep space.

He stepped into it and took out the swimming pool drawing.

"Consume 200 million spirit stones and choose the strengthening direction ⑦⑧, Angel Reincarnation Pool!"

Although Tianyin True Transmission's single combat power is not as good as that of Angel, its price/performance ratio is higher and its potential is greater, so Jiang Chen is not so urgent about the Angel's Reincarnation Pool.

Jiang Chen's original plan was to make Hojo Town pay a huge price before feeling despair.

This can not only weaken Hojo Town's strength to a certain extent, but it is also a little bit of his bad taste.


If it comes at the expense of delaying the upgrade of the lords of Longyuan Town, the gain outweighs the loss.

[Angel Reincarnation Pool]: A military building that can recruit angels, archangels, power angels, capable angels, power angels, and main angels.

Materials required: Holy Spirit Stone (Legendary)*3000, Star-Moon Gold (Legendary)*1000, Soul-Nursing Sacred Tree (Legendary)*1000.

After playing with it for a while, Jiang Chen took out an ordinary stone and began to strengthen it.

"Consume 14,000 spirit stones and choose the direction of strengthening..."

After strengthening.

Longyuan Town's resource points instantly increased by 100,000 points.

Jiang Chen continued to strengthen.

Soon, the abnormal points attracted the attention of interested people.

"What happened? Why did Longyuan Town's points suddenly increase by 100 million?"

"Holy crap, did Longyuan Town choose to overextend the lifespan of that secret resource realm?"

Immediately afterwards.

100 million...200 million...300 million...

Everyone was shocked to the point of numbness.

In more than an hour, Longyuan Town's points surged by more than 500 million, reaching 860 million.

Zhu Yeqing said in shock: "Are the rumors wrong? In fact, the secret book in Longyuan Town is a medium-sized resource secret realm... Otherwise, even if the life of the secret realm is overdrawn, it will not be able to generate so many resources!"

Longyuan Town Management Group.

The several Longyuan Town managers who had just left also had question marks on their heads.

Huang Xuan: "I seem to be dazzled!"

Wei Ming: "I just ordered to give up the upgrade, and all units will be stationed at resource points in the outside world..."

Tu Shan Yueyue: "I originally wanted to bring brother Jiang Chen here this time, but I didn't have the chance o(╥﹏╥)o"

Even An Chuxia was shocked. She knew the scale of that secret realm. Even if it was maxed out, it would be impossible to generate so many resources.

Hojo Town.

The lord's mansion that had just been tidied up was once again in a mess.

Hojo Mai is destroying everything she sees in front of her crazily.

"Baga! I'm so damn stupid..."

"Kill, kill, kill! Raze Longyuan Town to the ground and cut Jiang Chen into pieces!"

But no matter how much Mai Hojo cursed, it could not change the fact that Hojo Town had been defeated.

There is a gap of 500 million. Unless Longyuan Town's resource points stop increasing, Hojo Town will have no hope.

After a long time, she forced herself to calm down, and then sent a message to Kamiya Yuichi.

"Your Excellency Shenba, Jiang Chen cannot keep this son. I think the 'Dragon Slaying' plan should be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

Although the time is not yet completely ripe.

But she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Done immediately!"

[Tip: You have consumed 144,000 spirit stones, and the angel reincarnation pool is completed. ]

The construction time of the Angel Reincarnation Pool was as long as 10 days, so Jiang Chen naturally completed it in seconds.

After the light dissipated, a white jade pool with a diameter of dozens of meters appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

The milky white pool water glows with holy light.

In the center of the pool, there is a statue of a female angel. Her six wings are stretched out behind her, her left leg is slightly bent, and she seems ready to fly into the sky at any time.

[Angel Reincarnation Pool]

[Quality]: Legend

[Type]: Barracks

[Area]: 1000 square meters

[Recruitable Troops]: Angel, Archangel, Power Angel (Epic); Power Angel, Power Angel, Lord Angel (Legendary)

[Existing military types]: 0

[Building Features ①]: All angels bring their own equipment when recruiting, and the power of the equipment will increase as the angel level increases. Correspondingly, you have to pay more energy for it.

[Building Features ②]: After death, angels can retain their memories and be resurrected in the angel reincarnation pool, but their levels will be reset to 0 after resurrection.

[Building Features ③]: When recruiting, you can choose the gender of the angel.

As a powerful race that was born with at least epic quality, Jiang Chen naturally knew the information about angels well.

Because the angel comes with its own equipment, the energy consumption for upgrading is about 1.5 times that of the dragon.

Whether you use energy in exchange for equipment is a loss or a gain, it depends on the beholder and the wise.

As for the resurrection feature.

Compared with re-recruitment, the only difference is that the angel memory is retained.

It is incomparable to the effect of the Fountain of Life.

In the battlefield of all races, there are many branches of angels.

The Angel Reincarnation Pool comes from "Heaven Mountain" and is one of the more orthodox angel recruitment buildings.

"Angels, archangels, and angels are the lower third-level angels, corresponding to epic quality and possessing wings."

"Power Angel, Power Angel, and Lord Angel are intermediate third-level angels, corresponding to legendary quality and possessing four wings."

The legendary angels are also the strongest troops that can be recruited in the angel reincarnation pool.

The above-mentioned Seraphim, Cherubim, and Angels are mythical creatures and cannot be directly recruited. They can only be advanced from legendary angels.

As for Angel Yan.

According to the classification of angels on the battlefield of all races, they belong to the non-mainstream.

Jiang Chen naturally disdains the epic angels who are lower than the third level.

The attributes of the legendary angels at the middle and third levels are not much different, the difference lies in their skills.

A capable angel, most of his skills are from the legal system.

An angel of power, most of his skills are from the physics department.

As for the main angel, most of his skills are auxiliary, and he has rich tactical qualities, making him a natural leader.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen ordered:

"Recruit 12 powerful angels, 12 power angels, and 2 main angels, all of whom are female!"

Since he could choose his gender, Jiang Chen would only choose a male if he had a funny brain.

Even if you don't do anything, it's not just eye-catching to look at.

The divine radiance in the angel's reincarnation pool surged.

10 minutes later.

A hazy figure emerged from the water and gradually floated in mid-air.

She has blond hair and a soft face.

The armor that came with him clung to the exquisite curves, and he held the long sword in his hands and pressed it against his chest.

Two pairs of white wings flapped gently and unconsciously behind his back.

"Lord, the angel Eve wishes to say hello to you!"

The newborn angel suddenly opened his watery eyes and bowed slightly to Jiang Chen.

"My attributes..."

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Eve suddenly said in shock:

"You actually have an angel hero in your territory? He is also a B-level commander!"

Jiang Chen nodded:

"I'll introduce you to you later!"

Then open Eve's properties panel.