
Happy Reading~


Wei Nan, she just continued to remain silent from where she was.

Seeing Hao Tian's actions so rude, beating the man.

The person she hated the most. Feel happy.

Happy to see the man nearby who suddenly beat him until he became a pathetic figure, full of ugliness.

Blood continued to flow from Long Ming's nose, dripping onto the floor.

Some red spots are visible underneath.

The people in the canteen were still panicking, one by one they started to leave the room.

Don't want to interfere any more with their affairs. Think it's not good.

*step-* *step-* *step-*

The cafeteria area was finally quiet, leaving a few people behind.

Like that mysterious woman, along with the man who had been spying on Hao Tian.

It was Luo Ming.

Even though his last name was similar to the man he hit, he didn't care.

For him, it doesn't matter as long as it's not him who gets hit, it's fine.