Endless jade pure body

Happy Reading~


"Hah?" that woman, she really didn't know what was going on in his head.

Hearing what he said, thought it was strange.

Hao Tian's opinion in her eyes changed slightly.

But it wasn't a good change, more of a bad change.

'He's a god? Impossible! I won't believe a word he says!' she thought, swearing not to believe it.

While she was busy with her thoughts, Hao Tian opened his mouth.

"By the way, what's your name?" ask.

Surprising her a little, not expecting she would be asked like that.

"Are you serious?" she muttered, subconsciously pushing her body back a little.

From her expression, she seemed to want to say, "You are the enemy, and dare to ask my name? You are crazy!" but hold on.

Didn't want this man to do anything strange to her.

Realized that the atmosphere around him no longer felt heavy.

This indicates that this man no longer has the intention to fight.