
Just as Alvin uttered the phrase "Eye of Intent" a ripple of tremor washed over him, a sensation he couldn't quite place.

His blue pupils, once calm and unassuming, turned a deep, sinister shade of blood-red. It was a sight that sent shivers down one's spine.

But the strangeness did not end there.

In the blink of an eye, quite literally, his pupils vanished altogether, leaving behind nothing but a stark expanse of white. It was as if he had been stripped of his humanity, his eyes now resembling those of a ghost.

And then, as if on cue, time itself came to a sudden and jarring halt.

The world around them froze in place, caught in a timeless limbo where even the fluttering of a bird's wings or the gentle sway of a tree branch seemed to cease entirely.

Alvin found himself once again in the dark void, a space where even his thoughts seemed to echo ominously.

He was frightened at first, but then he thought of Mother of the Universe who had pulled him into such a dream once before, and calmed down a bit, thinking this was also her doing.

"Mother of the universe, you scared the hell out of me!" Alvin exclaimed into the darkness, his voice echoing off unseen walls. "Couldn't you have given me a warning or something?"

Yet only silence greeted him.

As the moments stretched on, fear gripped him, leaving him feeling more isolated and vulnerable than ever. Frustration boiled within him, mingling with the fear that gnawed at his insides.

"Come on, show yourself!" Alvin shouted. "I've had enough of this darkness!"

Still, there was no response, no sign of the mysterious force that had transported him to this peculiar place.

"Come on, you coward! Show yourself! Or are you too scared to face me?" Alvin cursed.

It was then that he noticed a faint blue glow in the distance, gradually growing brighter and more defined.

"What in the...?" Alvin muttered, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected sight.

With bated breath, he watched as the glow grew brighter, coalescing into the form of a magnificent eye.

Alvin's breath caught in his throat as he gazed into the eye, feeling as though it could see straight through him, stripping away his defenses and laying bare his deepest secrets.

But just as he was transfixed by the blue eye's gaze, a searing pain erupted from behind him. Turning around, Alvin's eyes widened in terror as he turned to confront the source of this new torment, only to find himself staring into another eye, this one a blazing ruby red, pulsating with an ominous aura of destruction.

Alvin's bladder threatened to betray him as fear paralyzed him. He nearly peed in his pants.

Just as he thought things couldn't get any worse, a searing pain emanated from the very core of his being. It wasn't a physical pain; it was a soul-deep agony that rendered him helpless.

"F*ck... f*ck... fu..." Alvin cursed, finding no words to describe the pain he was in.

In his distress, Alvin managed to lift his head weakly, only to witness a flickering white flame hovering in front of him. The word 'soul' echoed in his mind, and realization dawned upon him: the white flame in front of him was his soul, the very essence of his existence.

The flickering flame hovered between the formidable eyes – one blue, the other red. 

Then, to his absolute terror, the two eyes transformed into fiery phantoms, charging towards his soul with frightening speed. Alvin's scream echoed through the void as two entities collided with his soul mercilessly.

The impact was devastating, sending shockwaves of agony rippling through every fiber of his being.

The pain was unbearable, a thousand times more intense than anything he had ever experienced before.

Alvin wanted nothing more than to faint, to escape this torment that threatened to consume him. But somehow, the pain kept him awake.

Alvin watched helplessly as his soul was torn apart by the relentless assault of the two eyes, until all that remained was a swirling vortex of colorful smoke.

Despite his sorrow and unwillingness, the vortex before Alvin's eyes continued to spin with relentless determination, like an emotionless machine carrying out its programmed task without falter or pause.

Just then, Alvin saw various images appear inside the colorful smoke in front of him, his senses completely enveloped by the scenes that danced before his eyes.

Beasts roared, trees swayed, gods presided over their domains, and birds soared through celestial skies. Elements of nature intertwined in a symphony of creation, each figure vying for its moment in the spotlight.

Alvin watched in awe as the images unfolded before him, each more majestic than the last. It was as though the universe itself was being born anew, its essence laid bare for him to witness in all its glory.

But amidst the chaos of creation, a sense of unrest started to spread among the figures. They seemed to strain against the confines of the vortex, yearning to break free from their ethereal prison and unleash their power upon the heavens.

Then, in a blinding flash of crimson light, everything changed. The red glow engulfed the swirling images, transforming them into a single, shimmering form – a book, radiant with golden light and exuding an ancient aura that spoke of untold wisdom and unfathomable power.

Alvin's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the sight before him. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, a relic of a time before time, existing beyond the confines of the universe itself.