Mother and Sister Injured: Burning Fury

Grizzle swung his hammer in a graceful arc, the metal singing as it connected with the anvil. "Each strike must be precise, each movement intentional," he explained. "Feel the rhythm of the forge, let it flow through you."

Alvin watched in awe as Grizzle demonstrated; hammer seemed to become an extension of his arm. "But how do I know if I'm doing it right?" he asked.

Grizzle chuckled, "Ah, young man, that's where your mind comes in," he said cryptically. "It's not just about hitting the metal; it's about connecting with it on a deeper level. Listen to its song, hear it with your mind, and feel its pulse."

Alvin furrowed his brow, trying to grasp the concept. "So, it's like... a conversation?" he wondered.

Grizzle nodded approvingly. "Exactly! You must speak the language of the metal, understand its desires and fears. Only then can you coax it into the shape you desire."

While Alvin was engrossed in the process of forging, he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. In his mind, the golden book that had been silent all this time suddenly trembled. Alvin wanted to check what happened but decided against it. He didn't know if Grizzle could sense the golden book after all; he is a cultivator. It's better to be safe than sorry.

So Alvin decided to suppress his urge to check the golden book and continued to practice forging with all his mind.

Time flew by, and soon the sky outside began to darken.

Grizzle finally decided to call it a day. "Alright, kid, that's enough for today. Your arms need rest, don't overwork yourself."

Alvin nodded and began putting the forging tools back in their designated places.

With a wide smile, he approached Grizzle, who looked slightly bewildered. "Why the goofy grin, kid?" Grizzle asked with a raised eyebrow.

Still grinning, Alvin replied, "I was waiting for my payment, Master. You have to pay me as you promised." he quickly added, "You said you wouldn't charge me for the classes, Master. You're an honorable blacksmith; you can't go back on your word."

Grizzle was left speechless. "When the hell did I say I wouldn't give you money?" Grizzle grumbled and handed Alvin 15 copper coins. Alvin happily took the money and dashed back home.

Grizzle watched him leave and shook his head. "What an interesting little brat."

As Alvin raced back home clutching the 15 coins Grizzle had given him, his heart danced with joy. 

"Oh yeah, the golden book!" Alvin halted abruptly and dove into the depths of his mind.

Inside his mental landscape, Alvin was astounded. The golden book, which had previously revealed only one page to him, now displayed an additional page.

Alvin approached the newly revealed page with curiosity.

As his eyes fell upon the golden page, Alvin was taken aback. At the top of the page, depicted in shimmering detail, was a muscular man wielding a mighty hammer, fiercely striking it toward the sky. It seemed as if the man aimed to forge the heavens itself into a weapon.

Beneath the image, he spotted some familiar text: "Blacksmith: 10/100 (Beginner)."

Alvin pondered, "I haven't consciously employed the 'Eye of Intent,' yet a new page materialized out of nowhere. Could it be that anything I learn automatically manifests in the golden book?" His mind raced with a barrage of questions, but despite burning a significant portion of his brain cells, he found no answers.

"Forget it," Alvin shrugged. "Why bother when you're certain you won't find an answer?" With a sigh, he turned and started to walk towards home.


Alvin's home

When Alvin arrived home, a sense of dread washed over him as he noticed two thugs standing outside his house, smoking and laughing. His heart raced, sensing that something ominous was about to unfold.

Alvin quickly walked towards his home, where the muffled sobs of his sister echoed through the air.

Upon reaching the door, he encountered the two thugs, but with determination, Alvin pushed them aside and rushed inside.

The scene that greeted him inside, shattered his usual cheerful demeanor.

His mother, Elena, sat in a corner of the house, embracing his sobbing sister. In the center of the room sat a formidable man who had a knife scar on his face.

Alvin hurriedly ran towards his mother and sister, embracing them tightly. As his eyes took in the distressing sight, a cold intensity replaced his usual warm gaze.

The man, initially sneering at the mother and daughter, burst into mocking laughter when he saw Alvin. "So you have another son, huh?" he said mockingly.

His eyes lecherously fell upon Mia who was crying in Elena's embrace , licking his lips he commented, "Even though you're frail, I like it."

Turning towards Alvin, the man grinned widely.

"Kid, ask your mother to serve me well. You can ask me for any money you want; I'll give it to you."

Suppressing his anger, Alvin hugged his mother and sister tighter. "Sir, please leave. We don't need your money," he pleaded.

The man's eyes turned cold at Alvin's refusal. With a mocking grin, he revealed the events leading up to this distressing situation. "I saw your mother at the market this afternoon . I offered her enough money, but she refused. She even raised her hand to slap me,"

he chuckled. "So, it's only fair that I repay the favor. I followed her here, but she once again rejected my humble request. A slap from me was the consequence she faced for her audacity. Then, your little sister, this little devil had no fear. She ran over and bit my leg. So, I sent her flying with a kick. Look at her now, crying like an injured kitten."

The man, indifferent to the trembling Elene and Mia, turned to Alvin with a menacing grin. "Will you obediently wait outside, or should I beat you up and throw you out?"

Alvin's heart sank, a feeling of helplessness and sympathy overwhelming him. Slowly turning towards his battered mother and sister, he saw the slap mark on Elena's face and the misery evident in Mia's swollen eyes.

Alvin's world shattered as he witnessed the pain etched on his mother's and sister's faces. An uncontrollable rage surged within him, awakening something deep in his blood.

His blood started to burn like molten lava. Mysterious dark tattoos adorned his frail body, exuding a devilish charm that intimidated even the muscular man standing behind him. Alvin's aura became overwhelming, forcing the man to take a step back.

In response to his fury, the golden book in Alvin's mind also trembled and closed with a resounding thud, transforming from its once radiant golden hue to a deep crimson. Alvin's once blue eyes turned ruby red, devoid of humanity.

Alvin turned around, and Scarface, meeting his gaze, saw nothing but destruction in those red eyes. Panic overcame the man as he stammered an apology. "Don't kill me... I... I am sorry."

But Alvin vanished before he could even finish his words. In an instant, Alvin reappeared in front of Scarface, a teleportation so swift that it left the man paralyzed in fear.

Alvin effortlessly lifted Scarface into the air by his neck. Without hesitation, his bare hand pierced through Scarface's chest, extracting his heart with ruthless efficiency.

The commotion drew the attention of the two thugs who were standing outside, they ran inside the house, but when they met Alvin's gaze, they froze on spot.

Casually tossing Scarface to the ground, Alvin muttered, "Eye of Intent," causing the golden book in his mind to tremble and reveal a new page, but Alvin appeared indifferent to everything. His demeanor reflected the contempt of a god looking down on ants.

He vanished once more, reappearing behind the two thugs with the swiftness of a passing breeze.

The fear in their eyes was palpable as Alvin's hand closed around their hearts, crushing them without remorse. Once again, he muttered, "Eye of Intent," his voice a low growl of dominance.

The air filled with the scent of death. As the echoes of his actions faded, a weak voice broke the silence.
